Melbourne/Victorian outbreak. My phone is running hot with people asking “should we panic”?

My take? Be vigilant, restrained and careful. Not panicked.

Keep your distance, wash your hands, avoid gatherings, keep social contact to the min req for mental health.

This is still a global pandemic. Eradication was never going to be possible in a country as large and populous as Oz.

Globally, cases are still rising. It’s everywhere.

You don’t get out of a panic without mini-outbreaks - it’s how public health/government responds to them 👇🏽
In Victoria, the response has been very impressive. Rapid upscaling of manpower, communications, testing, and resources to support people being tested and isolated. What we are seeing is a world-standard response. We should be proud, not panicked.
But pride isn’t enough if we don’t change our habits. The pandemic never went away. It’s was always with us. But we can help

Get tested even if it’s a bit scary (it’s actually fine).
Wash your hands.
Work from home.
Wear masks on PT and in crowded places.
Min social contact.
Panic isn’t necessary. Leave the toilet paper and pasta on the shelves. Help the economy keep ticking along - failed business and poverty kills too. Help the public health people by following official advice.

I have faith in our public health team.

Stay safe everyone.
(Also, my prediction is that the cases WILL rise/stay in double digits over the next couple weeks. And thats OK. Every case reported is an infection found, a person educated and isolated, a health system warned, and the breakout controlled. This is good, not scary. Sit tight.)
(Sorry, last point. Enough with the racism, ok? As the rich skiers in Mornington/Toorak showed, ANYONE can unwittingly get and transmit the virus. It’s a global pandemic. And if anything, this is proof of why we have to work together rather than be divisive. We’re all connected)
You can follow @NeelaJan.
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