Since Trump is so bad in so many ways, one challenge for principled conservatives is to retain our self-definition by clearly articulating the reasons we reject him. Most are basic & bipartisan (e.g., rule of law, decency, competence, & truth)—others are unique to conservatives.
We conservatives reject Trump because:
—he spent us into record debt thru an economic expansion
—implemented a failed tariff-&-subsidy regime that hammered farmers & consumers
—repeatedly used faith as a prop
—praised dictators & excused human rights abuses
—attacked career LEOs
—violated the constitutional limits on the Exec. by declaring sham “emergency” orders on pet issues he couldn’t get thru Congress
—used antitrust laws to threaten & attack companies he doesn’t like in a non-neutral way
—blindsided military commanders the top of my head.
Conservatives should also be uniquely upset that Trump has essentially wasted R control of government by not pushing through meaningful reforms of things like healthcare & infrastructure.

Instead, he’s decimated the Party politically & has forfeited its credibility.
We aren’t Democrats—we fundamentally disagree with many of their proposals. But, we easily agree on the grave threat that Trumpism poses to our country.

Trumpism also poses a grave threat to conservatism & it uniquely falls to principled conservatives to spell that out, too.
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