I'm so thankful for the reboot era. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿน๐Ÿ’–
She represents a strong, intelligent, capable woman who just feels a lot, and went through a lot.
A thread: ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿน๐Ÿ’–
Feeling and crying aren't weaknesses, and no one who does is lesser than a cool and composed counterpart.
This reboot is what I've needed, as someone who's known Lara since they were 7, staring with TR Legend.
In 2013, we got to see a Lara who was sent into a situation with a lot of loss, and she had to do things that would change her
You don't just walk away from this with a few physical scars; she isn't ok at the end.
In Rise, she's still trying to go on, despite what happened on the island, needing therapy. She's trying to find purpose after having her world drastically altered, not giving up. While she's trying to do that, she doesn't give herself as much time to slow down as she should.
Shadow of the TR is a very fitting name, the way I see it.
From my experience, you can work on Rising up from where you are as much as you want, but until you slow down, and work on yourself, or break off a part that hinders you, it won't allow you to be what you need to be.
By the end of Shadow, she's gotten to the point where she can hopefully truly enjoy life, and do the work she wants solely because she enjoys it, and has found peace in what she has in life.
Her beginning as a TR wasn't easy, but she did make it to the end, and found something worthwhile and genuine.
She shows a woman who persevered despite it all, and that was very needed for this TR fan.
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