The September 11 attacks (9/11) — a thread:
I will try to keep it as informative and detailed as possible but won’t put too much into it, so it isn’t boring. Just know that everything I will be telling you is just the surface and there’s much more than that, which I might address another time.
Official story: The September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the “Islamic” terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

Four passenger planes were hijacked and flown into important monuments.
Now here is everything that’s wrong about this story: A LOT

Let’s start with the Twin Towers (WTC) in New York City. They were built to endure a plane hit because the Empire State Building was hit by a B-25 military bomber in 1945.
The planes that crashed into both Twin Towers were Boeing 767-200’s, now keep in mind that these planes are made out of ALUMINIUM, since they’re made to be as lightweight as possible, they’re basically no different than Coke cans.
These are the steel beams of the towers, the two planes CUT through both of these towers like butter. Which is impossible for a passenger plane to do because they’re, as I previously mentioned, made out of aluminium.
Here you can see the second plane that struck the second tower, the nose of the plane comes out fully intact on the other side. This is impossible for a passenger plane.
Here are some planes after a bird impact. If a little bird can cause this type of damage, do you really think that those thick steel beams won’t do anything?
Let’s jump to after the impact: The first tower was hit between the 93rd and 99th floor and burned for 102 minutes before collapsing. The second tower was hit a little lower between the 77th and 85th floors and collapsed after not even an hour with just 56 minutes.
Here is a detailed image so you can imagine it better:
Reason of collapse: Jet fuel.

The official story tells us that the reason was the burning jet fuel which melted the steel beams and caused the buildings to collapse that quick.

Problem: Jet fuel burns at 427° to 816°C, which is not hot enough to melt steel at 1510°C.
It can weaken the steel but it still won’t cause both towers to turn into dust and fall to ground in gravity speed, all in under 2 hours. This shows how faulty the official story really is.
The Grenfell Tower (London) burned for over 24 hours, turned into ash and still didn’t collapse. Keep in mind that the Twin Towers were the strongest and toughest buildings on the planet. The Grenfell Tower was just a residential building.
The numerous firefighters inside the buildings saying they heard a bang before the collapse, the numerous eye witnesses outside saying they saw a big military plane, let’s ignore all that. Both towers were hit on the very top floors and both collapsed in not even 2 hours. How?
How did they collapse that fast and straight down like in a domino effect? Shouldn’t they fall sideways?

Now let’s talk about Building 7 which is next to the Twin Towers and also collapsed in gravity speed but WASN’T hit by any plane.
According to the official story, flaming debris from the burning Twin Towers flew into the 47 floor skyscraper, which caused it to burn and collapse after 7 hours. The daughter of the owner of the buildings, Larry Silverstein worked in WTC 7.
Larry Silverstein would always have breakfast in his office in the WTC, every morning, no expectations. Lucky for him and his daughter, on September 11th, his wife called him and begged him to have breakfast outside with their daughter.
Also lucky for him, he insured the buildings to cover terrorism months before the attacks. He then also went to court with the insurance saying he should receive double the amount because there were two attacks (two planes). He won the legal battle and received $4.55 billion.
This is how Building 7 collapsed, just like the towers, straight down, buttery smooth. This never happens.
Here is a gif comparing a controlled demolition and the collapse of WTC 7.
Here is the interview of Larry Silverstein talking about Building 7. He told the firefighters to just “pull it”, “pull it” is terminology which is being used in controlled demolitions.
Now you may say, so what about it? They did blow them up because the buildings were already damaged to the point where fixing it would be harder than just rebuilding it. The problem is that controlled demolitions take weeks to plan.
One of the four hijacked planes, Flight 93, crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Passengers took control of the plane and crashed it. They don’t know what they were planning to attack but they assume they were going for the White House.
Let’s move on to Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon. The Pentagon being the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense, basically the headquarter of the U.S. military.
You’re telling me a plane is hijacked, takes a sharp turn and flies into the wrong direction towards the Pentagon (home of the U.S. military) for over 45 minutes and isn’t shot down? After the Twin Towers have been attacked?
You’re telling me that all camera footage from nearby gas stations and hotels are being collected and none of them are released to the public, except this potato quality 1 FPS video?
Also very weird to me, where did the plane wings go? I mean, if you aren’t getting skeptical at this point, then I don’t know for you.
I won’t even mention the bizarre things, like an FBI agent finding the passport of one of the terrorist in the ruins of the Twin Towers. Or the attacks being predicted in Pop culture, cartoons, movies etc.

Maybe I’ll make a separate thread for that in the future.
However, 9/11 is over. 2,977 people are dead. George W. Bush very happily declares the “War on Terror” on September 20th 2001 and invades the Middle East.
The countries which were struck the hardest by this were Iraq and Afghanistan. Note that there were 19 alleged hijackers. None of them were of Iraqi nor Afghan descent. 15 of them were from Saudi, 2 of them were from the UAE, one from Egypt and one from Lebanon.
Today you see the U.S. all buddy buddy with Saudi and the UAE, I wonder why. Nevertheless, this invasion ruined and destabilized the Middle East to this day, all for it’s resources.
R.I.P to the 3,000 Americans, which were sacrificed by their own government and may the souls of the 49,000 Afghan, 1.700.000 Iraqi and 60,000 Pakistani people rest in heaven for paying the ultimate price for a crime they did not commit.
You’re saying defund the police but how about defunding the U.S.? They’ve been committing war crimes, committing genocide for the last 20 years and no one’s batting an eyelid. It’s time for them to stop playing the world police!
Fuck the U.S. and fuck all countries that support their crimes against humanity - END OF THREAD
P.S.: I forgot to add that the U.S. military has downsized A LOT and 9/11 was the perfect opportunity to get people back on board and also light up their patriotism. Of course this time the boogeymen were the Muslims, jumpstarting Islamophobia. It’s a win-win for them.
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