An old tweet from Cummings account, taking back control to give control to in contempt of Parliament data thief.
he criticises @carolecadwalla calling it bad journalism, if you are guilty of electoral fraud shoot the messenger, why didn't he criticise his wife for lying?
It's obvious to anyone this unelected bureaucrat, chosen by the dark money lying man @matthew_elliott should not be anywhere near the levers of power. Who else would doctor their own blog to make themselves look a bigger egotistical idiot than they were before?
Here's a tweet from Sergey Nalobin congratulating the Elliotts in 2014. A key figure in the reported Russian programme to deepen the "co-operation" between senior Conservative politicians and the Russian government under the umbrella of the Conservative Friends of Russia group.
Conservative Friends of Russia is reported to have been used by Russia as a means to influence Conservative politicians, and its key contact at the Russian Embassy in London was Sergey Nalobin, later expelled from Britain as a suspected spy.
These people should be in prison.
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