So my uncle, who's 74yo, has COPD, and has survived 2yrs of chemo, is now at DRMC in Greenville, MS with COVID-19. He's only left his home masked, with sanitizer, to get groceries once a week. He's been careful and for obvious good reason. Two weeks ago, an unmasked moron in a
local Kroger got in his face screaming like a psycho because he asked her to please move back (she was standing very close to him), while politely trying to explain his high risk status. Now, I'll probably never get to see him alive again. I dont even know how to feel right now.
But, I do want to say to this woman and anyone else yelling nonsense about "meh freedoms" right now while refusing to wear masks and take common sense steps to be safe: kindly go fuck yourselves. Fuck your ignorance, and fuck your stupid fucking president. The end.
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