COVID is likely here for >2 yrs. Lockdowns are one extreme; Denial of science is the other

Let’s learn to LIVE with the middle way - CAUTION - without gravitating to either extremes

There are many parallels of this new reality with learning how to drive a car. Read on...
Before driving a car, we learn/abide by certain rules. That’s not giving up our freedoms

We wear a seatbelt before driving; during pandemic, wear a mask before going in public

Just like we keep a safe distance between cars, maintain >6 feet between each other in public
Just like we say no to drunk driving, say no to sick working. Both put others at risk

But first make sure paid sick leave is offered so people can stay home

Get tested, end isolation only if test is - or symptoms resolve

We don’t let drunk people make a choice to drive...
Drivers get excited/lose control while speeding

Similarly, fun crowds may excite but that “social speeding” spreads the virus

Avoid indoor crowds in particular

But going to office, essential shopping, safe recreation is OK; maintain distance and wear a mask

Doable. Right?
Broken headlights, bad wipers, dirty windscreen can cause accidents

Similarly, dirty hands will cause COVID accidents. Wash hands often; keep hands clean, prevent “COVaccidents”

With this driving-like-discipline, we can live safely for ~2 years and not be paralyzed by COVID
When drivers speed/illegally park/run a red light, there are consequences

These COVID precautions should be mandated by the governments. There should be SOME consequences if people refuse to comply

Prioritize collective safety over individual choices. Public health 101
If we all wear masks, maintain distance, wash hands, avoid crowds - we avoid lockdown and save lives

We safely drive thru this pandemic and reach mass vaccination.

Then remove our mask, take a deep breath, smile, hug, gather again and be grateful to God Almighty

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