1/ I have a serious question for @Musa_alGharbi.

First, I’ll say right up front that I have read this thread but I have not read all of the linked articles.

I’m asking this of Musa because I know home he is one of the most intellectually honest people I know. https://twitter.com/Musa_alGharbi/status/1274376149183807490
2/ Ok, so, we know for a fact that academia skews strongly, and in many cases extremely, left.

Consequently, left-wing normative values and even world views are embedded in research as if they were objective facts.
3/ This harms science, the reputation of academia, and importantly individuals and groups who are mistreated because of flawed findings.

The problem is so bad that a group of academics was formed to try to correct it: Heterodox Academy https://heterodoxacademy.org/ 
5/ One of the key lessons of Heterodox Academy is “If you know only your side of the case then you know little of that.”

And a chief recommendation is to actively seek out different (i.e., Heterodox) views as a check against biased studies.
6/ I appreciate your focus on abuse of power generally rather than on the narrower issue of racism.

But still...
7/ One can’t help but wonder, if, and if so to what extent, the studies you’re relying on suffer from the same sorts of problems Heterodox Academy was formed combat.

And whether you actively sought out alternate data and interpretations of that data.
10/ How sure are you that the data and analyses upon which you’re relying, and the narrative they project, don’t suffer from the same sorts of left-wing bias problems from which academia, and research overall, suffers generally?
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