Racism, homophobia & misogyny is not confined to one party in this country. Every single party in Ireland needs to take a look at why they think it's OK to have pacts with or propose people whose opinions fly in the face of their own party policy.
This week we've county councillors all over the country proposing racists for mayors & councillors who think children are complicit in their own abuse. We've councillors who make abusive comments about their women counterparts. We've mayors who make comments which wouldn't be out
of place in the apartheid era. We've had councillors in major parties who've told council meetings that they would not represent constituents on the basis of their ethnicity alone.
We've councillors who have refused point blank to use their Traveller accommodation budget & oppose housing & properly serviced sites, but rock on up to vote for anti-racist motions at annual party conferences.
Peddling hate at local level does not hinder your career. All the large parties in Ireland have elected reps who thrive on it. Political parties in Ireland need to do more than give vague commitments to equality.
Being a county councillor is a tough job. It's very badly paid. It's long hours & graft, sometimes for little gain in terms of the effort & ethos put in. It's sometimes easier to give in to what may seem like the only option, but there are other options.
There are lots of local politicians who have real conviction who need our backing as voters. WE need to tell them that we have their back every single time they stand up against discrimination & prejudice & hate.
You can follow @FionaKenny1.
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