
I am writing this for the haters, the members of the lynch-mob,the virtue-signallers, the hypocrites who pretend not to be gloating, the "confederation of the pious" as Oliver Brown called them, the silent ones, too afraid to speak out...

What our community is witnessing, the character assassination, the total lack of humanity and empathy, is a stain on our sport bigger than all the stains we have witnessed in recent years... and we have seen some big stains.

So let's be honest and speak the truth for once.

The reason you all hate Novak Djokovic is because he owns your faves, because he is the best player ever to lift a racquet.

You all know this, don't even pretend you don't. 🤷🏻‍♀️

If he wasn't so superior, you wouldn't need to hate him so much.

If he wasn't so superior, you would be able to show some magnanimity.

His superiority makes you petty and you hate him for that.

You loved him when he was losing to Roger & Rafa. When he was the eternal number 3. Remember the 2007 USO final? That he could have won but lost?

You loved him then. "You have won our hearts"- he heard, to a standing ovation.

But he refused to play the role he had been assigned. He refused to be "the best of the rest".

He said: "There's room for one more at the top"

"The arrogance"- you cried.

But he persisted.

He fought his way to the top... And the more he won, the nastier you all became.

He had to endure what no other player has endured since I've been watching tennis (1976). I'm not going to go into everything we've been recording for years:the lies, the bias, the hostility...

the bad schedules, the disrespect, the belittling, the mockery towards and his family...and endless list.

Yet: he kept winning.
Yet: he kept smiling.
Yet: he kept helping his colleagues.
Yet: he kept donating to charity.
Yet: he kept growing.
Yet: he kept beating Roger&Rafa.

And then he reached heights that I had never witnessed: the 2015 season, the Novak Slam.

And you were all silent, not wanting to acknowledge what has happening, looking for petty incidents, to have something to criticise him for, something he needed to apologise for.

We all knew what you wanted him to apologise for: for being better than your guys.

And then he got injured, he waited for his body to heal itself and you all made the mistake of writing him off.

I still remember the exultation. Paid journos got busy re-writing history and

making Novak a little blip in the Fedal narrative. You were determined to make him who you wanted him to be.

But he had other ideas. He had surgery,he recovered...he started owning your faves again.

He was not going to be #3...and he was not going to be the villain either.
And he kept winning, and you kept hating him more and more.

And he was winning off court, too, at the Player Council.

And the Novak hate kept growing.

Wimbledon 2019 showcases this irrational hate for a player who loves&respects this sport, and whose only sin is to win.

His reaction there was emblematic: after seeing the crowd debase themselves and betray every principle our sport stands for, he had the magnanimity to understand and forgive.

So they hate him even more.

Which brings us to today.

After a fabulous start of the season,

*beating your faves* and building up a 21-win streak, poised to break all records... things in the world changed dramatically.

And so it happened that he made *very big mistakes*, trying to bring people together in his region, trying to help charity organisations.

For once, you feel superior.


No way you can show even an ounce of compassion or empathy. This is your chance to crush him for good.

All the envy and resentment bottled up after so many years of domination are overflowing.

You want him banned for ever. You want him in jail. You want him dead. You wish he had never existed.

Even if it means lying, infantilising every single person around him so that it's nobody's fault but Novak's.




Well, if you think he will go away, then you don't know him at all.

He is down. You are kicking him while he is down.

But he will rise.

And he will beat your faves again.

Have you learnt nothing?

Have you not learnt what tyoe of man he is?

Serbs have been the victims of racism,religious intolerance&more recently,ideological torture.

Many of them have accepted the burden of an imaginary guilt.


This is a role he refuses to accept.

He rejects humiliation&repentance.But he also rejects antagonism.

Novak is hated because he incarnates the forgiveness of the vicitm towards his torturers.

Deep down, even with their lack of self-awareness, Anglophones realise that in this manner, Novak remains superior.

And that, they cannot forgive.

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