Ive been studying the Schumann cavity resonance affects on mammalian cognitive functioning since i was first intrigued in teens, and im blown away by the current readings coming from
Heres a thread on what it means, source supplied on last drop. #Q #Qanon #wwh1wga
The Schumann resonances (or frequencies) are quasi-standing electromagnetic waves that exist in the cavity (or space) between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere. In 1952, German physicist Professor Winfried Otto Schumann of the Tech U of Munich began attempting to answer
whether the Earth itself has a frequency – a pulse. His assumption about the existence of this frequency came from his understanding that when a sphere exists inside another sphere, electrical tension is created. whether the Earth itself has a frequency – a pulse. His assumption
about the existence of this frequency came from his understanding that when a sphere exists inside another sphere, electrical tension is created. Since the negatively charged Earth exists inside the positively charged ionosphere, there must be tension between the two,
giving the Earth a specific frequency. Through a series of calculations, he was able to deduce a frequency he believed was the pulse of the Earth-ionosphere space.
Two years later, in 1954, Schumann and Herbert König reported reliable and predictable frequencies in the atmosphere that existed in the cavity (or space) between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere. Though several frequencies occur between 6 and 50 cycles per second,
Though several frequencies occur between 6 and 50 cycles per second, the fundamental frequency they found to be 7.83 Hz.1

This “cavity” is naturally excited by energy from lightning discharges and radio atmospheric signals or sferics.
This is an extremely low frequency wave that can be as low as 8 Hertz (Hz) - some 100,000 times lower than the lowest frequency radio waves used to send signals to an AM/FM radio.
The ionosphere is part of Earth’s upper atmosphere where extreme ultraviolet and X-ray solar radiation ionizes the atoms and molecules thus creating a layer of electrons. It stretches from approximately 60 miles above the surface of the Earth to the edge of space.
..energetic charged particles and cosmic rays also have an ionizing effect and can contribute to the ionosphere. This dynamic region grows and shrinks (and further divides into sub-regions) based on solar conditions and is a critical link in the chain of Sun-Earth interactions.
Herbert König, who became Schumann’s successor at Munich University, discovered and further demonstrated a clear link between Schumann resonances and brain rhythms. He compared human EEG recordings with natural electromagnetic fields of the environment and found that the ...
so-called alpha waves during brain activity lie in the same frequency range as the first two modes of the Schumann resonance.
In this border area between physics, biology and medicine there are perhaps still interesting results forthcoming.
To test direct synchrony between magnetic processes occurring in the Earth-ionosphere cavity and the human brain, Saroka and Persinger measured simultaneously the Schumann resonance and brain electrical activity of a single individual ...
who was sitting quietly outside with eyes-closed.11 Results of the analysis indicated the presence of transient periods of “harmonic synchrony” that appeared when cross-channel coherence was computed between the caudal root-mean-square signal derived from the brain and the
extremely low frequency magnetic activity occurring in the proximal environment. These periods of harmonic synchrony lasted approximately 200 – 300 msec and consisted of simultaneous coherence within the 7–-8, 13–14 and 19–20 Hz bands. The coherence magnitudes were like those
reported earlier by Pobachenko and colleagues.12

All behaviors, including consciousness, are generated by and correlated with brain activity. The activity can be conceived as complex matrices of electromagnetic patterns and their associated chemical changes. Weak intensity
complex magnetic fields generated by the Earth and by human technology affect consciousness and experience. The critical factor is not the intensity of the fields, but their patterns and the information contained within the patterns. Those patterns that are most like the natural
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