Cities lack the power, funds, & revenue raising tools they need to function in a post-Covid world.

While the #UCP slowly strangles #yeg & #yyc, a narrative is brewing that it’s somehow the fault of cities that our economy is tanking.

This is intentional. This is a tactic.

In our time of need, while we’re struggling to pay for core services like transit & we don’t have budget to cut grass, the UCP left us decay.

“A strong Canada needs a strong AB.” Well, a strong AB needs strong cities.

Cities are the powerhouses of this prov & co.
Abandoning them at this time is akin to deliberately sabotaging the AB economy.

The UCP is actively turning citizens against their local gov & taking advantage of the lack of jurisdictional literacy among the general population. This makes it easy for them to blame cities.
While they dismantle local democracy & social safety nets, they are setting the stage for a partisan municipal election that will allow them to conquer the enemy they have created for themselves -cities.

They will poison us from the inside out.
Now is the time for our municipal leaders to make it crystal clear who is responsible for what.

Conversations around jurisdiction can be confusing & boring, but we need to have them. If blame is misplaced, we risk losing much of what we’re worked towards as city-builders.
Cities are like our front line workers, they are the ones tasked with responding to the immediate issues citizens are facing, yet they are continually asked to do more with less.

With Covid, they are being asked to do WAY more with way less.
It’s time to advocate for a fair deal for cities. Maybe we should have some sort of ‘fair deal’ panel or something?

Since referendums are apparently a thing now, maybe we should hold one on the City Charters they trashed.

Maybe we should get angry(er).

I’m angry!
As an urban advocate, I’m used to fighting for things like better transit, better housing, better zoning policies, etc.

Imagine what we could achieve if we fought for our cities to have greater autonomy.
Imagine how competitive a city we could build if we had tools to raise revenues other than just property taxes.

What city building projects could we carry out if funding wasn’t tied just to the #ableg mandate of roads, roads, & oil.

I think this is the new battle ground.
Winning this battle starts with helping ppl understand who holds power.

Instead of directing frustration at city hall, the issue you’re upset about likely stems from poor provincial governance.

This is a defining moment & as much as we don’t want to, we need to point the finger
Mayors and many city councillors know this, but they fear the retribution of the UCP, who have made it clear that vocal opposition will be punished.

This is a government who rules by fear & is willing to sacrifice the success of Alberta for their political gain.

This thread was sparked by an excellent @FCM_online conversation re: what our cities need to lead the Covid-19 recovery, which means it will likely be flagged as an 'Anti-Alberta organization'.

I will now await comments from issues managers - the most thriving sector in AB.
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