I see Minneapolis Police Department is trending again. We did not abolish, end, or defund the police. The council votes to get a ballot amendment approved that would replace MPD in charter with a Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention (which would inc. police).
Next up is it has to get through the charter commission by Aug, then on the ballet in November (and pass). THEN the city could set up this new dept, subordinating what is now MPD under the new unit.
That's not to say this means "nothing." It's a big deal to replace MPD in charter and to have police reporting to public health-oriented Dept of Public Safety. And none of that can happen w/o charter amendment. But it also means little is different as a legal/policy choice today.
It's also not the case that things are back to "business as usual." The city council has voiced desire to "dismantle" police, while Mayor continues to back em. Many citizens are pissed at police. The cops are pissed their building was razed, etc. Everyone is uncertain what's next
For those who want to get in the weeds, here is the ordinance. It 1) replaces "police" w/ "cmty safety"; 2) Drops police quota; 3) Shifts oversight from mayor to mayor + city council. https://lims.minneapolismn.gov/Download/File/3882/MPD%20Charter%20Amendment%20Articles%20VII%20and%20Article%20VIII.pdf?fbclid=IwAR21D4qMBlFuq9CBPLoyKU3VIVYWulN5m-XaCBf4yqt0ovj0Q2c3pu7BrWM
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