What's the top comment? "Stay inside, save lives." Nope. "Staying inside" itself has many harms, is not sustainable for another year, and outdoors is important for mental and physical health. The problem isn't young ones having fun, it's doing risky things which are... indoors.
This virus is not a moral agent that will disproportionately smite young people who annoy their elders with all their fun or one's ideological enemies. It spreads with some behaviors and settings that are not in a moral or ideological hierarchy. It's not a religion, it's a virus.
If people will socialize, beaches are likely the least worst option. Vast open air, sunlight and space. We have six months of epidemiology now on *actual* high-risk settings. Beaches and parks are not on the list. But so many articles use those pictures.🙄 https://twitter.com/jensimmons/status/1276588972479778819
Here's a piece I wrote on April 7th, lining up the evidence for keeping parks (and yes) beaches open with sensible guidelines, and avoid devolving into pandemic theater because it would be unsustainable, would backfire and end up with polarization, not results. So that went well.
Yep. How often do you can you up speaking at a range closer than 1m with a stranger for 15+ minutes on a beach? It's really hard to truly pack a beach. And even then, it's outdoors (vast air) with sunlight, unlike anything indoors, let alone a bar! https://twitter.com/academicdave/status/1276860243771883538
Yeah, this will work as well as abstinence-only sex education for teenagers—leads to more unsafe sex rather than less sex. You just cannot order people not to socialize for 18 months. What you can do is give evidence-based guidance on how: i.e. outdoors! https://twitter.com/JessMMac92/status/1276863433670103041
Very smart point. The unscientific, moralizing and you-know-what (bikini pics!) focus on beaches is not just wrong and counter-productive, it is a form of defeat. It turns epidemiology into a religion with a hierarchy of morals and encourages surrender. https://twitter.com/elsenorrocket/status/1276866054401273856
Real issues! The answer is to manage that rather than obsessive condemnation of the least risky part. Open up local outdoors/parks to minimize travel. In vacation towns, outdoor seating or take-out only. No indoor bars. Encourage porch gatherings, etc. https://twitter.com/AndyWEllis/status/1276867536978448384
Yeah, it's almost like they want to just keep publishing beach pictures! If it were 100s of pictures of risky indoor places and an occasional picture of a packed beach, we'd go meh, okay. Nothing is zero risk. But it's almost every article! Enough already. https://twitter.com/jaydeedubdesign/status/1276878111477583873
What more is there to say? Even places with *no beaches* (both in central Florida) get a beach picture to accompany reporting about increasing cases. 🙄 Again: it's a virus, not a religion. It's not going to disproportionately smite people who're having fun. ht @jaydeedubdesign
This photo is in an article in the Washington Post that has many reasonable and important points about unmasked crowding *indoors* in Myrtle beach. The caption? "Crowds pack the beach." Who you gonna believe, your lying eyes or the irresistible pull of misinforming moralizing?
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