
To repeat what I posted and add exactness to it: Yesterday, various people became informed that Morning Glory hosted by Gloria Purvis would no longer be a part of the programming of the EWTN-affiliate Guadalupe Radio Network. Others called/email and confirmed.
As the day went on, I was able to continue confirming not only with multiple sources who inquired with the network, but also those close to Purvis that, indeed, this was the case and I confirmed it publicly.
It is absolutely crucial to note that the Guadalupe Radio Network is the *primary* site for pressure since they control the decision of whether to keep the show or remove it. EWTN does not have *direct* control over its affiliates but might be able to create indirect pressure.
Since the network has not released any memos about this, it is safe to assume there is still time and room for them to backtrack and possibly even try to deny that this happened altogether. That would create blowback on me and others, but I would take it as a small price to pay.
There has been no indication of what the exact *reason* for the cancelation was, but it seems to be in response to an uproar of listener complaints about Purvis’ notes on the sin of racism and her commentary in radio and in print on BLM and the abolition of police.
The Guadalupe Radio Network has a far wider reach than its local headquarters in West Texas and I think it is safe to assume that other affiliates could be influenced by this decision. Presently, EWTN shows no indication of canceling the show. We must not spread the false info.
My guess is that yesterday exceeded the negative blowback they received. The network may see this as from the “outside” of the normal listener base and wait it out. So, please, do not tire or relax yet. I will post the verified contact info below. Please feel free to add to it.
Before I turn to the information let me reiterate that we must be very precise and not allow the bad reputation of EWTN distract from the real site of pressure which is the Guadalupe Radio Network. Mistakes only give excuses to be ignore. Come *correct* and don’t be sloppy.
Also: Beyond the strategy, the moral core of this advocacy should be about showing Purvis that her Church has not abandoned her, that we hold her and her message up and stand for and with her. If all this does is show her that she was not alone in a time of need, it enough.
It is not a time for too many slogans because of the real need of precision and strategic priority, but do not be misled by my tone here. Supporting Purvis is about her unique and singular personhood and, also, the reality that Black Lives Matter which includes Black voices.
Okay, brothers and sisters, this is what I know to be true. I will always accept correction. DMs are open. To follow is the contact info I have to date. LIFT YOUR VOICE!
Guadalupe Radio Network
EWTN with the network copied (to create a crosswind):
More with some repetition here.
Do not be shy but you do not need to be eloquent nor should you act hostile. Let them know that you are there, adding your voice to a collective. Compose your own emails, introduce yourself, tell stories. Give thanks to God for the gift of Purvis and her ministry. Stay awake!
Forgive my typos and other stupidities. Servant of God Dorothy Day, Pray for Us!
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