MARS 29° PISCES today squares the nodes of fate +conjoins malefic fixed star Scheat, associated w drowning, shipwrecks, accidents and catastrophe. Perhaps this alignment is symbolic of the choices collectively faced in confronting systemic violence toward BIPOC +police brutality—
—issues certainly evocative of drowning (“I can’t breathe”). The nodes of fate serve as an evolutionary crossroads. Choices are 2b made and the pressure is on. The cops who murdered Breonna Taylor should be charged with felonious murder. Let this be so, and set a precedent...
1 step beyond this degree is 00°Aries—world axis point, the solstice eclipse° AND the beginning of Mars’ 6 month journey through its home sign. This step is critical. The activation of the eclipse° spurs significant events into motion which may prove pivotal down the road...
Out of any sign, Mars is most comfortable displaying aggression, anger, rage, wrath and fury in the sign of Aries. Sure, Mars in Aries can also signify the courageous and brave first responder, but it can also be the impulsive, quick-to-flare, trigger-happy policeman...
or- the anarchist with the Molotov cocktail burning Columbus statues. Fears of the movement losing momentum should be quelled knowing that we are collectively embarking on a battlefield for an extended stay. The fight is far from over, and we can expect things to get nasty...
Mars squares off with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Cap not once but 3X before the end of the year. I hate to make dire predictions but I also do not want to undersell this. It’s going to be tense. Expect more shortages of supplies and continued retaliation⚔️
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