Thread – Some Light Reading for the BLM Crowd (and Others)

1. “Black Lives Matter” (sic) is a classic Marxist movement. Even the name is a Marxist slogan. Their only goal is complete power, which entails the complete destruction of America as we know it.
2. Here is a curve ball for them (not that they’ll pay attention) that discusses the Civil War in a decidedly different narrative. This will be news to them – and a lot of other people. The following is commentary from a good pal who happens to be a “Southerner.”

3. The false narrative that the South fought the war to preserve slavery and the North fought to end it is mainstream, despite Lincoln’s oft stated purpose to the contrary.
4. Regarding my frequent mentioning of the Southern side of the War of 1862-65: I recognize that I risk sounding like a “Johnny One Note”, who like a hungry dog, just can’t stop gnawing on that bone.
5. I’m aware that it may appear that I am some kind of kook, trying to defend “my people” (my actual family), who variously fought, were maimed, impoverished or killed in defense of Virginia.
6. They were mostly farmers, one merchant, one bonded-indentured “printers devil”, and two West Point educated generals (both killed in battle). Not one in that time, owned slaves.
7. Records exist that some were opposed to slavery on moral grounds and opposed to secession on practical grounds. Still, the invasion was intolerable to them, and they fought it with everything they had.

But that is not my motive.
8. Orwell is said to have said something like: control the history, control the future. He meant that, just as individuals base personal decisions on the lessons of education and experience, so do societies and their governments. In other words, the lessons of history matter.
9. That is why ... today, 155 years after Appomattox, the Left argues for continued condemnation of the South and their heroes and their heroes’ values. Why? Well, ask yourself, “Qui bono?”
10. Massive political power & control of trillions of $$ depends on waving this bloody shirt of racism, slavery, Jim Crow, etc. More white guilt, more big government-managed transfers of wealth. And what has that accomplished in the 55 yrs since the Great Society was initiated?
11. Billions or maybe trillions of dollars in “entitlements”, Affirmative Action, forced busing, hiring quotas, govt contracts quotas, federal takeover of elections via Voting Rights Act, massive expansion of federal bureaucracy, and the resultant “systemic poverty.”
12. Black unwed births have climbed from about 25% in 1965 to 77% now! Crime, drug gangs and tyranny rules massive Federal “projects” housing! Black literacy is down!
13. Black crime - every category - is up! “Blacks are now 7 to 10 times more likely than whites to commit violent crimes,” writes Jason Riley. "Blacks are more likely to commit crimes against blacks, 400 x more than whites commit crimes against blacks," writes Victor Davis Hanson
14. Black youths are ravaged by drugs, rampant crime and a degrading nihilistic culture. Blacks, though 13 % of the total population, comprise the vast majority of imprisoned convicts. That can’t be all because of white privilege, slavery, racism, etc.
15. Yet, via the false, accusatory finger of “white guilt”, using slavery as the cause, and white southerners as the primary villains ... even more of the Federal wealth transfer – CASH (non-) SOLUTION – is demanded.
16. THAT is why their arguments must be broken. And it begins by breaking their false historical fiction upon which their demands are based.
17. The second reason is that the Real Cause of the Confederacy must be hidden behind the stain of slavery, or else they may be noticed and explored by curious people looking for better ways to govern.
18. State sovereignty (federalism), balance of the Federated Powers, consent of the governed, Constitutional authority, free trade, minimal taxation, etc., etc. These anti-collective ideas MUST be tainted forever by their association with Southern slave holders.
19. It won’t stop with mis-characterizing Southerners and the Confederacy. Once that has been accomplished, it will spread to Jefferson, Henry, Washington – and the Founding of our Republic itself. Obama’s has already talked about it, publicly.
21. <unquote>

No question about where my pal stands, and it’s NOT on bended knee to the BLM crowd!
22. The #Dementiacrat Party is the part of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, segregation, anti-Civil Rights Act, slavery-through-welfare (LBJ), race-mongering, divisiveness, spoils/corruption/grifting. And now they are the party of BLM?
23. Not one elected #Dementiacrat has condemned violent BLM actions, their stated goals, and the destruction of America’s cultural heritage.
24. That is because their political goals are aligned – the destruction of the constitutional Republic leading to an authoritarian-socialist hell-hole.
25. They are all enemies of the Constitution and the American people and need to be dealt with accordingly. And ignore the “white guilt” and other politically current B.S. that they propagate.

///The end.
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