I love this. Food for thought for you Christians out there.
For those asking: Yes I am a Christian. 🙄 those who KNOW me know that I am. and if you for once think that I care what you believe I am then you are wrong. My relationship with God is my own and no one else’s. That is all y’all get from me. God bless.
People wanna hand out food and pose with brown and black kids, as long as they stay on "their side" they need to get over their savior complex.

People want God to fight their ventless, but they won't fight for their black or brown brother's and sisters.
People want to walk in their hidden sin and call out NON believers for their sin. We can't expect non believers to love like believers.

People wanna fill the churches, but won't let those who don't look the part in.
People want a "prosperity" gospel, but cry at any bit of oppression. "In this life you will have trials..."

People want to quote scripture, but only what they want to hear.

People want to make America great again, but it was never great. It was only great for the select few.
NOW that is all.
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