Next up is Randi Vogt to discuss Genetic and Environmental Influences on Non-Ability-Based Confidence #BGA2020
People are bad at estimating their ability, and have a disproportionate amount of confidence in their ability (this is non-ability-based confidence). NABC is useful - overconfidence is associated with happiness and greater productivity. #BGA2020
Overconfident people tend to be narcissistic, risk seekers, powerful, and proud. Men and extroverts are more overconfident. Individuals with higher levels of math achievement have less NABC 10 years later, individuals with higher levels of reading ability have more #BGA2020
Interested in the genetics of NABC, and its relationship with other character variables. Examined this on a phenotypic and genetic level #BGA2020
Used a latent variable approach to capture ability and confidence. Regress confidence on ability to get NABC. In Texas Twins project, assessed 1588 individuals and 814 sibling pairs. #BGA2020
A variety of character variables correlate with NABC. Particularly need for cognition, openness, mastery goal orientation, grit, and emotional stability. #BGA2020
Genetics : 17% h2 [but crosses 0], 75% e2. Links with character variables act mostly through a mixture of genetic and environmental contribution. Value of school is fully genetic. Performance avoidance/approach is fully environmental #BGA2020
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