So as usual I was reading an article that caught my interest. It was about Occupy City Hall. So lets talk about @Charles_Darkley who is heading the Strong Economy for All Coalition or Strong Economy For All, Inc. On the IRS Non Profit tax returns it lists William Easton as Pres
presence yet where is the money really coming from to fund those 105 employees? Funny you should ask, if you read the article you would see the name David Hickey who is David Hickey, well he is the Chief Financial officer of the UFT better known as United Federation of Teachers.
I find it quite interesting the layers between the ground troops and the true funding source. Ask yourself this , as a taxpayer, you pay for our educators through some means of taxation,you are paying for their dues that are contributed to the Union whether its the UFT or the NEA
this is how your hard earned dollars are being spent. I'm sure many educators have no idea how their dues are actually spent beyond the union sending out a representative during bargaining agreement negotiations but if and its a big if the goal of these coalitions is to provide
a quality education for all students and equal opportunity for all, why then is our inner cities educational institutions failing and why are the NEA and UFT fighting so hard against charter schools. Ask yourself why in 2016 when the Strong Economy for All Coalition took in
minimal revenue according to their tax return in 2016, how did they manage to pay Bully Pulpit Interactive LLC out of Washington, DC $198,760.00. Who is Bully Pulpit you ask, Bully Pulpit is a company started by former Obama administration workers including Robert Gibbs. So where
and why would a little known coalition pay that much money to a marketing company. You'll also notice in the article that these type of coalitions do not pay their employees through contributions, they are actually paid by a coalition ( yes its true) of unions. So if you are
asking yourself why this matters its because if this structure is happening here, where they don't have to report how the money is flowing in or where it goes to then you can be sure it is happening in your state. Its funny how all of a sudden or so it seems they are coming out
from under the woodwork with their lists of how horrible the world is. So I'll ask you Charles Khan, how much are you paid hmm we know Michael Kink was paid over $183K for doing what? I wonder if all those sleeping next to you know your salary or better yet, they probably make
as much as you do. This is all a big sham, a pyramid, a scheme and you the taxpayer are the patsy. Its time to wake up. This is what you'll get if Biden gets into office. #VoteRed2020
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