So, I've been studying the new #ProjectConnect transit plan for Austin. And overall I think it's far and away the best transit plan @CapMetroATX has ever offered. After years of nonsense politics and false starts, THIS is a transit system.

I do have a few notes though.
First of all, while all these lines are useful, some are more useful than others and some are completely dependent on others being built first to be useful.

That means that the order in which these lines are built will completely decide whether it succeeds or fails.
It is VITALLY important that @CapMetroATX STARTS by building the Orange Line. It's the backbone of the system. It goes through Austin's densest, most congested neighborhoods.

After that should be the Blue Line, then the Gold Line, then the Green Line.
The first #ProjectConnect failed because it served the neighborhoods politically powerful developers wanted to invest in, not the neighborhoods people actually live and work.

By prioritizing the Orange Line, @CapMetroATX would signal it has learned from that mistake.
Also, I know I'm biased on this, but I hope Metro will consider as part of a longer-range plan a third commuter line that serves Buda, Kyle, and San Marcos.

They're growing rapidly and many people there would love an alternative to I-35. But I admit, that should come later.
Anyway...this plan will likely come up for a referendum vote soon. And anti-transit NIMBYs and pro-freeway developer interests will try to scare you away from it.

Don't be fooled, Austinites. This plan is the real deal. Please vote for #ProjectConnect and modernize your city.
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