“They have keys. Probably staying over - make sure you’re not… serial killer. Know by now what we’re ‘up to’.” Izuku makes lazy little air quotes with his fingers before dropping his hand back to Katsuki’s chest.
Katsuki cringes at the idea of the other two Alphas knowing they did… /this/. After Katsuki all but threw a tantrum and got up in their faces.

Izuku’s a fairly deep sleeper, but his pup, however, is not.
Katsuki blinks in the dark a while later, trying to figure out what woke him before another little /nudge/ pushes against his side.

Izuku’s belly’s resting up against that exact spot. Katsuki ignores the tremble in his hand as he rests it over the swell of his Omega's stomach.
There’s an almost inquisitive little /push/ from inside, then a second, firm kick. Mesmerized, Katsuki rubs the spot and watches Izuku’s skin shift.

There’s something a little beautiful and grotesque about it, knowing there’s a little person in there. Pretty amazing.
Izuku’s doing an amazing thing, for two people who otherwise wouldn’t /have/ a family like this. Katsuki can respect that. Lots of dedication from all three of them. And clearly, they’re sticking around to support Izuku through it all.
Katsuki sighs and closes his eyes again, hoping for a few more hours of sleep. He’d prefer to be well rested if he’s going to make a decent apology to Izuku’s friends and the parents of his pup.

TBC, QRT to comment, please don't break the thread! ~

(I've been awake for 24 hours, tapping outtttt for a while, thanks for reading so far! ♡)
Top of thread: https://twitter.com/bear_coughing/status/1276348758633017345?s=20

Katsuki doesn’t have the /best/ sleep, but he’s certainly relaxed when he wakes up. There’s a heavy body more than half on top of him, and occasional sleepy /mmuurrr/ sounds from the dead-to-the-world Omega nuzzled into his throat.
Katsuki’s heart pounds for a few minutes before he manages to breathe through the realization and subsequent panic and self-judgement, but after Izuku stays comfortably asleep despite the internal conniption Katsuki’s having, he finds himself able to work through it.
Of course, relaxing means the rest of his body comes online, and Katsuki is both /hungry/ as hell, and in /desperate/ need of the washroom. Izuku’s leg is /right/ on his bladder and the weight is just enough to have him squirming a little.
He rests his hands on Izuku’s leg, carefully shifting his Omega and watching his face to ensure he’s not waking up. Izuku lets out a grumble but releases Katsuki from his octopus hold, sleepily grabbing and curling round the pillow Katsuki slides into his arms.
He tiptoes round his room, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a loose tank top, dressing quickly and keeping an eye on the domestic scene on his bed. Izuku’s shifted into the warm space Katsuki left behind, but other than a few mumbles and a heavy sigh,
Izuku seems content to keep slumbering on his own.

It’s nerve-wracking to leave the bedroom and emerge back out into the world, but Katsuki /really/ needs to pee. He ducks back into the bedroom after he washes his hands,
staring at the plump little bundle of pillows, blanket, and Omega all rolled together.

Still asleep.

And purring.

Katsuki fucking /melts/ hearing it, his Alpha whining to crawl back into the nest & enjoy some more casual intimacy before they have to have the… Conversation.
Katsuki shakes himself free of the soporific effect of the nest and Omega, carefully tugging the door partially closed and heading out to his kitchen. The tea from last night is still there on the counter, cold and far too oversteeped to even /consider/ reheating.
He hadn’t bothered cleaning it up when he was getting water for his Omega before bed, too focused on getting back into the den that was now /saturated/ with his favourite scent.
Katsuki knows he should probably clean the bedding since they’d gotten sweaty and… intimate - but he wants more of that scent to linger, to be able to roll himself in the blankets when - when…
When Deku goes back to his own place.

When Katsuki’s alone again, aching for his partner to curl into his chest and purr them both to sleep.
Katsuki shakes himself from the mire of self-pitying, future-dreading thoughts.

They haven’t had the conversation yet. He doesn’t know what Deku wants from him. Katsuki needs to be patient & do what he originally planned before he lost his mind thinking Deku was paired already.
Namely, courting the shit out of his pregnant neighbour and proving that he’s prime mate material.

And Katsuki definitely knows how to start doing that.

He does his best to be quiet as he begins making a big breakfast,
but as things are frying on the elements and Katsuki’s glaring at his coffee machine for its unholy /guggngngnnng/ noises- there’s a cacophonous sound from down the hallway.
Katsuki darts to the edge of the kitchen, concerned, but his concern immediately turns into stifled laughter at what he sees.

Izuku, naked and tangled in bedding and kicking it off his legs, hands clutched at his belly and looking /frantic/.
Amused, Katsuki calls out to him. “De-“

“I have to /pee/,” Izuku hisses, cutting off his greeting.

Katsuki snorts & covers his mouth at Izuku’s glare. His green eyes widen as he /finally/ disentangles himself and waddles swiftly into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
Katsuki’s relieved that the noise wasn’t Izuku going ‘oh shit, mistakes were made’ & doing his best to get the hell out of his den as fast as possible. Makes sense that a pregnant Omega would be desperate after a full night’s sleep, especially having drunk water just before bed.
Katsuki shakes his head and goes back to his coffee machine, which has finally spat out the rest of his coffee, pulling the fridge open for cream.

It takes another few minutes - a few doors opening and closing - but eventually, when Katsuki turns around from the frying pan,
Izuku’s leaning against the edge of the kitchen island, green hair slightly wild and unkempt, looking /very/ cozy in a pair of Katsuki’s shorts and one of his old, black t-shirts.
Katsuki grips the spatula /hard/ at the sight, doing his best not to immediately push him back against the counter and roll his face into his ma- his /neighbour’s/ bare throat.

Izuku gives him a nervous little smile, glancing around him at the hiss of the pan on the stove.
Ha! He’s so obvious. Katsuki fights down his smile, heart thrumming fast at the way Izuku plays with the hem of his shirt.

/Katsuki’s/ shirt.
Hnnn... He needs to reel in his Alpha or he’s /really/ going to consider turning off the element and seeing if Izuku wants to get frisky like, /right/ in the kitchen.

/God/ it’s like he’s a teenager again, raring to go at the first opportunity.
Except now, he actually has someone he /wants/ to get frisky /with/, instead of just grumbling and ignoring the urges until he has enough alone time to jerk off and shove the insistent urge away.
“Tch,” Katsuki scoffs finally, raising his eyebrows before turning to tend to the pan. “Startin’ to think you’re only after me for the /food/, Deku.”

His heart trembles as he says it. He really, /really/ hopes that’s not the case.
All the horny admissions about getting off after eating Katsuki’s food were in the moment, encouraged by the haze of hormones & the freedom brought on by sex.

Katsuki won’t really believe Izuku wants him until he hears it out loud,
when they’re not both naked and drooling over each other.

There’s a firm pressure at his back and two surprisingly firm arms snaking around his stomach, followed by a warm mouth pressing between his shoulder blades.
Katsuki shivers and wills himself not to get hard as Izuku mumbles a gruff little rebuttal.

“Not /just/ the food.”
Katsuki huffs but pats Izuku’s hands, doing his best not to get all weak-kneed when Izuku tangles their fingers together momentarily before letting Katsuki turn back to the frying pan.
He smiles at the exaggerated sniffs from behind him. Part of him wonders what Izuku likes smelling more: the food, or Katsuki himself.

His thoughts spiral hornily for a few seconds until Izuku’s hands squeeze at his belly and a breathless little sound is pressed into his back.
Oh… he is /definitely/ not wearing patches.. Izuku is /very/ aware of each little spike of arousal Katsuki’s experiencing.

Being without patches with Izuku is exhilarating, but it’s also /embarrassing/. He’s so used to standing in the elevator or passing each other in the hall,
being able to stare and think horny ‘what-ifs’ in peace.

Now he’s got the real thing /wearing his clothes/ and probably still full of his cum (/stay down/, Katsuki thinks furiously, at his cock), right in his apartment and pressed up against him.
Katsuki clears his throat and turns the omelette in the pan over, eyeing the pot of rice on the back element. Being a good host. Feeding his pregnant (future) Omega.

He can do this.
Totally /not/ pop a boner in the midst of cooking breakfast because he can’t stop thinking about the warm pressure of Izuku’s pregnant belly against his lower back.

“You uh… want anything to drink?”

He refuses to step into another pitfall of /assuming/ what Izuku can or can’t have on his pregnancy. His knee-jerk instinct is to offer coffee, because he is a beast in the morning without his drug of choice.
But for all he knows, Izuku could be one of those monsters who chugs a glass of orange juice and /doesn’t/ try to murder the first person who talks to them.

Izuku steps back with a little ‘oof’.
Katsuki immediately misses the contact - already thinking what it would be like waking up every day like this, a pregnant mate peeping around him at whatever meal was being made for him, wrapping arms around him and pressing little kisses & nips to the back of his neck…
Ughhhh… this ‘taking it slow’ shit is a /nightmare/.

Katsuki’s Alpha is /all in/ already, and he’s inclined to agree with the hormonal monster. But there definitely are a few hurdles to jump before they can get there.
Namely, Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 across the hall (if they’ve stayed the night like Izuku mentioned before falling asleep), probably ready to give him the most aggressive shovel talk /ever/.
He’s courting the mother of their baby - /our/ baby, his Alpha whines, still not ready to give up the painful little dream of taking both Izuku and his pup into his life.

In any case, Izuku’s carrying for Alphas who /aren’t/ him, and Katsuki has to respect Izuku’s choice,
even if it feels like losing a pup because he is, again, a jealous hormonal monster.

“Nn… coffee,” Izuku groans, scrubbing a hand through his hair.

(Katsuki does /not/ think inappropriate thoughts about said groan.)
“Well, if you can figure out the monster, help yourself,” he says, pointing the spatula at his ancient espresso machine. “If not, I can set it up again once I’m done making breakfast.”
Izuku smiles at him, a strange curl to his mouth. “You don’t think I can take over making breakfast while you set it up?”

Katsuki scowls. “/I’m/ making /you/ breakfast.” He doesn’t want to admit that he’s feeding his Alpha’s desperate need to provide.
Not wanting Izuku to do anything doesn’t mean he thinks Izuku is incapable, just that he feels a little more useful being the one to do the work.

“Hmm… well, let me take a look at this… /machine/,” Izuku says, waddling over to the coffee maker.
Katsuki sniffs and pokes at the rice. It’s done, just needs to be put in the shaper and set onto their places to wait for the omelettes and sauce.

“Are you suggesting there’s something /wrong/ with my coffee maker?”
Izuku laughs & opens a few of Katsuki’s cupboards, hunting for a mug. The familiarity makes his Alpha /purr/ in his head, pleased that Izuku’s getting comfortable and confident in Katsuki’s space.
Like it’s /his/ too, and he’s obviously welcome to help himself to anything in it - Katsuki included.

Which, very, /very/ accurate.

He’s still not averse to kitchen ‘fun’ before their conversation.
“I’m sure it’s /lovely/,” Izuku says soothingly, the grin audible in his voice. Katsuki grumbles half-heartedly at the omelettes, turning the element off and turning to shape the rice.
“It’s only missing like /half/ the labels and sounds like someone drilling concrete,” Izuku adds, glancing over Katsuki’s shoulder with a wicked little smirk.

Katsuki narrows his eyes at Izuku as he fills one shaper and upends it over the plate to set while he fills the second.
Izuku’s not.. wrong. Katsuki got that machine when he first moved out for university, almost 8 years ago. It was high tech at the time, but it’s definitely an outdated, clunky thing /now/.

Maybe Izuku can help him find a new one that would suit his tastes.
Because anything Katsuki buys from now on he’s going to be buying anticipating a second (and maybe a third) person in his home.

Hnn... getting ahead of himself - /again/. He really is like some broody monster. Sees one pregnant Omega he likes and instantly ready to settle down.
Katsuki sets the second shaper on the other plate, and then pulls the first shaper carefully off, pleased at the neat little globe left behind.

Izuku gets the machine working after a few inquisitive noises & a yelp at the sudden grating noise that marks the start of the brewing
cycle that has Katsuki cackling as he drapes the omelette over the shaped rice. Izuku sniffs and digs in Katsuki’s fridge for cream before pausing, watching Katsuki remove the second shaper.
“Hm?” Katsuki’s concentrated on not breaking the second omelette, but he can tell Izuku really wants something.

“Where’s your sugar?”
~TBC, QRT to comment (please don’t break the thread ♡)

*need some coffee and food, myself🤤

(also I thought this was a short update but then I checked and it’s 2k so I think that’s decent!)
update brought to you courtesy of a lovely commissioner ♡


📜Start! https://twitter.com/bear_coughing/status/1276348758633017345?s=20
After the debate about ‘proper’ coffee sugar levels (a /touch/ of cream and no sugar for Katsuki, heaps of cream and at least 4 TBSP of sugar for Izuku) they end up eating at the island counter.
It’s strangely normal, just two people sitting next to each other and making nonsense morning comments with no mention of the fact that less than 12 hours ago they were fucking like mad - until Izuku mentions his hips are a little sore,
and then Katsuki’s face is /burning/ as he chokes on his omurice and does his best to control himself while Izuku pounds on his back.

Katsuki takes a big sip of his coffee and coughs again, bright red at the way Izuku’s hand slides up and down his back.
It’s soothing and familiar, and he can’t help the way his shoulders drop at the touch.

There’s a soft rumble from beside him, a half-formed purr that Izuku buries in his next mouthful of omurice. Katsuki resumes eating, a little hint of nerves curling in his belly.
He’s pretty hopeful at this point that things aren’t going /bad/ between them. Whatever this /thing/ is. But still, it’s nerve-wracking to think about laying it all out without the distraction of naked bodies to fall back on.
Eventually, the food is done and Katsuki growls Izuku out of the kitchen so he can wash their dishes.

“Go sit on the couch, nerd, I’ll be there in a sec.”

Izuku hums and waddles away — distracting as /fuck/ with Katsuki’s clothes casually draped around his shorter frame.
Katsuki hears a low ‘oof’ as he sinks onto Katsuki’s old sectional. It’s a cozy thing he coughed up for after his first year-end bonus, and it’s definitely had its share of tv show marathons and drunken friends passed out on its surface.
It’s the first time a pregnant Omega’s been curled and relaxed against the cushions, however.

Katsuki dries his hands and brushes them against his sweatpants, doing his best to ignore the slight tremble in his fingers.
Izuku’s curled against the arm and back of the couch, tapping away on his phone. He perks up when Katsuki rounds the couch and sits awkwardly on the other end, tucking one leg up beneath him to face the Omega.
Izuku chews at his lip before lifting his phone a little. “Um… I uh, Inasa had to go to work, and Todoroki’s got a meeting, but they uh… well.” He coughs and hold the phone out to Katsuki. “It’s probably better if you, uh, look?”
Katsuki’s skin prickles as they hand the phone over and he turns it around to see. He barely hides his snort at the series of messages on the screen. It’s a group chat between Izuku, Inasa, and the Half-and-Half guy from yesterday.
Apparently they’re too busy to shovel-talk him right away, but shovel-/texting/? That’s fair game.
🐱❄️: You can give him our regards, Midoriya.

🐰: Are you sure? I mean, you can meet him and we could all talk together
🐰: it’s your baby, I don’t want you guys to feel like you don’t have control over things
🌪💪🏾: it’s *your* body
🌪💪🏾: from what i saw seems like he's super into you
🌪💪🏾: it’s nice seeing you with someone who’s not a POS

🐱❄️: but if he is, you know… we can send him to pound town

🌪💪🏾: Stop
🌪💪🏾: Those words do not mean what you think they do
🐰: Oh my god

🐱❄️: Anyway we’ll murder him if he tries anything with you 👍🏻

🌪💪🏾: jfc babe
🌪💪🏾: … we will do perfectly *legal* vengeful things
Katsuki lets out a snort and gives the phone back to Izuku, grinning at his flustered face.

“They’re a lot,” Izuku mutters grumpily, though there’s a smile on his face as he looks the conversation over.
Despite Katsuki’s jealous previous misgivings, he can’t help feeling affected by the obvious care between the three of them.

Finally, Izuku puts his phone down and gazes shyly back at Katsuki. “So.. um. Last night, huh,” he says, face burning a cute pink beneath his freckles.
Izuku’s scent is nervous & hesitant, but it’s full & rich, flooding the room and sinking into everything it touches, including Katsuki. It’s the scent of nesting Omega, something so familiar and calming — yet assertive and bold as hell, considering this isn’t Izuku’s apartment.
/It could be/, some traitorous part of Katsuki mutters, possessive and greedy, imagining more domestic scenes.

Like their breakfast earlier, bent over their respective coffees, calm and sleepy-eyed. Waking in the same bed, eating dinners and slouching together on the couch…
Wrapping Izuku in his hoarded blankets and stuffing his face into that wild curly hair, basking in the warm, fresh scent of /mate/ and /home/.

And he’s missed whatever Izuku said.

Katsuki rubs a hand over his neck awkwardly, grimacing at the bloom of panicked Alpha scent that hits the air as he brushes past his scent glands. “I… missed that.”

Izuku pauses, sinking back into the couch with a quiet little “oh”.
“I want to /talk/ about it, I just — I got… distracted,” Katsuki says, glancing at Izuku’s toes curling on the cushion, the way his surprisingly muscular legs flex as he shifts his weight. How Katsuki’s worn clothes stretch around Izuku’s plump midsection.
Izuku’s head crooks to one side, slow realization crawling over his face. “Oh. /Oh!/“ Izuku laughs and leans forward, bonking his forehead on his knees before glancing shyly up at a suitably pink-cheeked Katsuki. “So you actually /do/ like me?”
Katsuki’s heart shudders at the long lashes sweeping over freckled skin, those wide green eyes gazing back at him.

Ahhhh fuck it.

“It’s worse than that, Deku,” Katsuki rumbles, reaching out and brushing the back of his hand over Izuku’s shins.
Izuku watches him do it, licking his lips as Katsuki’s hand turns round to rest around Izuku’s leg, thumb sweeping over the side of his calf. He shuffles closer, knowing his face is just as predatory as the night before, eyes probably dark and inviting.
“Oh, /worse/,” Izuku says softly. He leans into Katsuki’s hand as he presses it against the Omega’s cheek, tipping his head up slowly.

“Fucken… moving too fast,” Katsuki rasps, embarrassed.
He can’t help it. Izuku is /right here/, smelling all welcoming and /nesting/ and completely confident despite Katsuki fumbling all over himself and doing his best not to just rut into this gorgeous asshole’s legs.
“I used your bed as a nest first,” Izuku retorts, reaching up to tug Katsuki closer.

Everything else falls away. Izuku’s phone slides off his lap onto the area rug, abandoned.
“You making’ this a competition, you little shit? I /provided/ for you first.” Katsuki gently nips the plump cheek rubbing against his jaw, rumbling at Izuku’s indignant squeak.
“I jerked off to you first,” Izuku growls, apparently before he can think better of it. Katsuki stares at him, shocked, before a smug smile creeps over his face.

“Oh my god, /no/,” Izuku moans, dropping his face into Katsuki’s chest.
Katsuki snickers and lets himself dig a hand through Izuku’s hair, pleased at the way Izuku sags into him despite his embarrassment.

“Now that’s an endorsement,” Katsuki remarks, huffing at the half-hearted jabs Izuku makes at his sides.
“S’not funny,” he whines, refusing to lift his head from beneath Katsuki’s chin.

“It really is,” Katsuki teases.

Izuku gives a little pup-growl and pushes into Katsuki's belly with his head, arms wrapping around his back.
Katsuki huffs and lifts Izuku up, letting himself topple back onto the couch. Izuku’s belly is a heavy weight on top of him; Katsuki braces Izuku’s waist and turns him onto his side, letting his legs fall apart so Izuku can curl between them.
“I really like you, Kacchan,” Izuku mumbles after a few moments, nosing into Katsuki’s chest.

Katsuki revels in the bloom of satisfaction from the confession. They're dressed this time - somehow it means more like this, knowing that Izuku's not just giving lip service.
Still, he does have to say his part of the Conversation, namely the unconscious shit he’s been carrying around and doing his best not to push onto Izuku.
“You’re not weirded out by me being a jealous freak?”

Katsuki hates bringing it up, but he has to let Izuku know he /knows/ how fucking weird it is that an unattached Alpha’s gone all possessive over a pup and Omega that aren’t his.
Maybe instinctually it’s an understandable thing, but they’re more than instincts. People don’t run around getting away with whatever just because someone /smells/ nice and their internal dynamic voice started spouting off about /wanting/ things.
“It’s actually…” Izuku pauses and lifts his head to look at Katsuki as best he can before flopping back to his chest. “It’s not /not/ weird, but it actually made me feel really good to… you know, feel /wanted/. +
Kinda embarrassing to say it out loud, because like, I didn’t /know/ that you wanted me, it could’ve just been a friendly Alpha feeding an Omega out of instinct or some neighbourly obligation… but I kinda… well. +
I felt really lonely when I moved here, after everything that people said and the /looks/, but then you were just… well, an asshole?”

Katsuki lets out a bark of a laugh, because Izuku isn’t /wrong/, but still. It’s both hilarious and mildly insulting to hear it said aloud.
“No!! I didn’t mean — I meant you were just, /you/, not like, putting kid-gloves on or treating me like a /mistake/ or something — I’m trying to like, pour my stupid guts out to you about how invested I got in this relationship — whatever it is!!”
Izuku pinches the arm draped over his shoulder, grumbling and embarrassed.

Katsuki lets out his own play growl and squeezes (gently) the plump flesh above the waistband of Izuku's shorts.
There’s some instinctive part of him that’s pleased to see the extra flesh on the Omega, knowing he’s healthy and keeping his pup well-fed and cared for. Knowing that Katsuki had a tiny part in Izuku's plump frame with food that kept him coming back, hungry for more.
He shakes himself, focusing back on Izuku and the last grumpy, rattling little sounds fading between them.

“Don’t pour it all out, pretty sure you gotta cook that thing for another couple months,” Katsuki jokes, fingertips tracing the side of Izuku’s t-shirt covered baby bump.
“Ha /ha/,” Izuku grumbles, giving Katsuki’s legs a few nudges with his feet.

A little moment of quiet passes between them. Katsuki can feel Izuku’s side shifting against his front, soft swells with his steady breathing, warm scent wrapping around the two of them.
“I really like you too,” Katsuki blurts out in a rush, right into Izuku’s hair where he can’t help pressing his face.

Saying it out loud feels crazy, even more ridiculous and wild — but Izuku’s scent bursts into that rich, already-familiar scent.
“Okay,” Izuku mumbles, sounding a little faint. “Okay. So um… the shovel talk, /texts/, apply then, I think. If — if you’re, um… if you want to… be serious. With me.”

Katsuki’s heart leaps, possessive and greedy all at once.
He doesn’t even need to check in with himself to know that he wants that. Of course he does. He’s been building his own stash of nesting supplies, picturing a mate and pup in his den for weeks now.
The only downside — and it’s minimal, considering Izuku’s chosen to do it, and the two Alphas /aren’t/ assholes just using him for his baby-making abilities — is that the pup he dreamed of won’t be theirs.
“You smell sad, Kacchan,” Izuku murmurs, brushing at his forearm hanging over the side of the couch.

“Just… thinking,” Katsuki replies, muddling out his thoughts. “I want to be serious. I /am/. I’m just… I sound like a freak if I say I’m /sad/ about… not having...”
Izuku’s face pinks up, lifting to press against the back of the couch to stare at Katsuki. He’s giving himself a double chin looking down at the Omega like this on his back, crunching his chin down to make eye-contact, but fuck it.
What’s the point in pretending to be anything but human and vulnerable, at this stage?

“You mean this,” Izuku clarifies, stroking his hand down the swell of his stomach.
Katsuki’s breath catches and he nods slowly, eyes catching on the round surface like it’s something he’s not supposed to, or /allowed/ to stare at. It’s not /his/, and he shouldn’t get attached. Well, more attached than he already is.
“Kacchan,” Izuku begins, wriggling upright so he’s sitting between Katsuki’s legs. “You do know that it’s not like you’re /never/ going to see the baby, right?” Katsuki flushes and Izuku smiles.
“I’m Shouto and Inasa’s surrogate, but we’re not having a closed adoption or anything like that. The plan was always to have a village, you know. A pup’s a big deal! And none of us have done it before, so it’s not like we were going to just throw it all to chance. +
There’s room... um, room for you in the village, too,” Izuku mumbles, joining Katsuki in the red-faced department.

/Oh/, Katsuki thinks, dizzily.

That’s… That’s plenty satisfying enough for his instincts.
Knowing he’ll still get to stare at, hold, love, and protect the little thing in Izuku’s belly. Sharing is fine. From what Izuku’s talking about, there’s going to be plenty of love to go around, and the kid’s not like… a limited resource.
Still, it seems too good to be true. Katsuki’s insecurity can’t help rearing its head, reminding him of his inexperience, & the newness of this /thing/ between him & Izuku. He’s no one to this pup, at least not yet.

“They’ll be fine with a random Alpha around their kid?”
Izuku gives him a long look. “Well, if you’re /serious/ about being serious, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about the ‘random’ part by the time they come. Sure, it’ll be a learning process, but it’s going to be a learning process for /everything/ about this situation. +
I’ve never had a pup. Inasa and Shouto have never raised a kid. I’ve never had a ma—“ Izuku cuts himself off, lips pressing together. His face dips, hands wringing together shyly.
/Mate/. He was about to say /mate/, Katsuki’s Alpha practically /screeches/ inside of him.

Looks like he’s not the only one jumping past all the steps - at least mentally.
“I wanna take you on a real date,” Katsuki says, interrupting whatever internal crisis Izuku was about to go into. “/And/ I want to meet Idiots 1 and 2 again. Tell them I’m serious, or whatever,” he mumbles, encouraged by the wobbly little smile growing on Izuku’s face.
“You don’t care that I’m, you know?” Izuku gestures to his belly, as if that’s in any way a /negative/.

Katsuki stares at the baby bump and back to Izuku’s face, letting some of his feral, needy, possessive scent bleed out when he gives Izuku a sharp-toothed grin.
“I like it. More than I should, probably,” Katsuki admits. His hand twitches by his leg, wanting desperately to reach toward Izuku’s stomach.

There’s something soothing about just being around Izuku like this, but Katsuki doesn’t want to make Izuku uncomfortable +
by obsessing over it past the point of confirming his pregnancy doesn’t put Katsuki off.

It’s not like he needs to display even /more/ how much of a goddamn breeding kink he’s apparently plunged hip-deep into.


“Okay,” Katsuki echoes.
Izuku slumps into the couch, pressing his cheek into the back, eyes closing for a moment. He opens them again and gives Katsuki a slow smile before reaching out and planting a hand firmly on Katsuki’s thigh.

Katsuki’s stomach tightens. Izuku leans closer, tucking a green curl behind his ear. Katsuki stares at the way his clothes shift around his Omega’s frame, blinking himself free of the inviting stupor before he can miss what Izuku says next.


“I have to pee.”
Katsuki laughs, wheezing rasps until Izuku lets out grumpy sounding rattles and swings his arms and legs in the effort to get up out of the couch. Considering how plush and deep the seats are and that he’s situated between Katsuki’s legs, it’s kind of a lost effort.
Katsuki takes pity on him and lifts his knee against the back of the couch as a solid point for Izuku to lean against, then pushes Izuku’s butt up off the couch the next time he swings himself forward.
With the momentum and Katsuki’s help, Izuku lands on his feet with a slight sideways wobble, and waddles hurriedly down the hall, muttering frantically to himself about ‘peeing his damn pants’.
Katsuki flops back on the couch with a hand over his eyes, grinning like an absolute fucking /idiot/.

The toilet flushes down the hall, and Katsuki hears Izuku humming, off-key and tuneless, while he washes his hands. It makes Katsuki feel even more at home for some reason.
He bounces his fist into the couch cushion before letting out a wheeze of effort and sitting upright.

Well, now he’s got a date to plan for.

Thanks for coming along on the update!!

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