Based on the fact from @sjanderson144’s finding that the last time Mars stationed Rx at 28° Aries was in the year 0064 CE, here is my prediction, overlayed with the USA Sibley Chart.
PSA: If you cannot handle reading a frankly negative PREDICTION without getting completely terrified. This thread is not for you. Frankly, what is happening now in the Astrology is not happy at all in the slightest and we’re going to see some big shit happen.
So right off the bat let me tell you what I think will happen in the next half of 2020.

- A Politician is gonna get assassinated
- USA will completely dissolve
- More extreme riots (burning police stations down, government buildings)
- Complete anarchy and overthrowing the gov.
So this Mars in Aries transit is going to be really important because this isnt just any Mars in Aries transit. Its Mars Rx. But its not just any Mars in Aries Rx, Its Mars in Aries Rx square Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn conjunct the USA’s Natal Pluto.
Its worth noting the last time that Mars stationed Rx at 28° of Aries was in the year 0064 CE, and this was the time of the Great Roman Fire

Its for this reason I think we will see Gov. and Police stations burn down.
One thing Modern Astrology tends to ignore is how malefic Mars and Saturn can be, and when Mars is dignified: you best believe Mars is going to stir up the chaos, but it is also going to be square the USA’s Pluto and Transiting Pluto at the same time.
Pluto is like when you ask your friend for Poland Spring water and they’re like “You want WATER? ILL GIVE YOU WATER. ILL GIVE YOU A WHOLE OCEAN”, but you just wanted some damn water. It blows things out of proportion and kind of like an extreme, malefic, Jupiter
With this in mind, its more than likely violence and protesting will be taken to the extreme, but the difference between the protest then and now is, Mars is now dignified, giving it the strength to fight back and to not be scared.
Saturn is authority and with Mars in this square, we will see authority completely contested, whether this be police, government etc, and we will have the strength to contest it and fight for autonomy.
Its also important to note in the USA Sibley chart, Mars will square ALLLLLL the planets in Capricorn in the 8th. Mars will specifically station for about a month around 26°-28° of Aries, squaring Mercury at 25° Cancer, as the Lord of the 10th.
The 10th is regarded as the ruler of the land, the king, the boss, etc. and with the violent, bloodsheddy, and planet of warefare in a square to L10 for A WHOLE MONTH, in the 8th house of death. Im not surprised if the Bunker Bitch will be assassinated. This is a prediction BTW.
One other important thing to note is the Lunar Eclipse that happens on the USA’s Solar Return. This means from July 4th 2020 -2021 we will be living with Eclipse energy across the entire country. Here’s the SR chart.
Lunar Eclipses are Full Moons that are deprived of light from the Sun, and are draped in a veil of red/brown. This makes me think that, esp since this Eclipse in Capricorn copresent with Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto. The government will lose power and lose strength.
Not to mention this is an Eclipse conjunct the South Node. Its important to mention, the last time we had a Lunar Eclipse at 13° Capricorn, was in 2001, and that was the year 9/11 happened.
Im thinking we’re going to see something similar happen again, in terms of a catastrophic event that completely shakes up the country. Not to mention this idea of the Fall of the USA is reinforced not just through this Eclipse, but through other factors.
This half of 2020 is consisting of:

- Mars Rx
- Eclipse at 13° Capricorn
- Mars Square Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter

I usually use the rule of 3 for predicting things, and I have 3 solid points of evidence that this is not going to be a peachy summer.
The greater cycles at large are the Pluto Return of the USA, the Neptune opposition of the USA, the eventual Uranus Return of the USA, but lets also take a look at the Confederacy. This happened during the USA’s Uranus Return, and in 2025, there will be another Uranus Return
I have a feeling that this will be the start of a new country, succeeding from the Union, and then eventually the dissolution of the USA.

However there is a bright side. Saturn/Jupiter will conjoin together at 0° Aquarius conjunct the Fixed Star Altair.
Altair is the fixed star associated with the eagle, fire, and wisdom— its generally a positive fixed star, a lot like Regulus, but there is more compassion associated with Altair and the success it can bring, whereas Regulus will gain success if it means stomping over others
Saturn is law, structure, and authority, and Jupiter is judgement, order, faith, and philosophy.

I have a feeling that this conjunction will initiate the start of forming a new country based off of human rights, compassion, success, and equality for everyone of any identity.
This Decan of Aquarius this conjunction will take place in is the mark of the exile, and its about leaving the status quo in search of something unknown, new, and different— this is the weirdo decan of Aquarius.
With Saturn/Jupiter conjunction here, we will form a better system of government to live in, in which it deviates from the paradigm of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, colonization, etc that was previously in place before.
We got some big stuff coming up, and I thought I’d share my predictions just so I have them for the future, before the NYT tries to say no one predicted the second half of 2020 in 2021 ;)
I also think the fall of corperate lobbying, monopolies, and big business will fall as a result too. Thought I’d add that in here since Pluto is in the USA’s 2nd house.
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