It is Anishinaabe (đź‘€) History month in canada so wanted to take this moment to educate yall on some of our shared history. The first topic is gender inequality in the Indian Act. The govt was very aware of the prominent role ladies play in our societies and worked to diminish us
This is how it worked: Native ladies who married non-Native dudes would lose their status as Native ladies and be forcibly removed from their rez. Meanwhile, Native dudes that married white ladies gave NDN status to the white lady+kids. Obv a strategy.
This is so obv wrong. Entire fams were torn apart bcs of this bullshit law-that was ACTIVELY enforced! UNTILLL a series of brave Native ladies were fed up and engaged in a decades long fight with the federal government over this discrimination. QUEENS!
One of those ladies is Jeannette Corbiere (a Wiky family name) Lavall, from Wiikwemkoong, that married a NN and was like, 'fuck this! You ain't kicking me out of the paradise that is Wiky!" (paraphrased)
JCL and other Native ladies sued the govt to change this garbage law that would strip us of our rights, identity, and family just bcs we married a white dude. It started in the early 70's and it took till the 90's, +many more courageous Native ladies, for it to change
There is still intense gender discrimination in the Indian Act, including about property ownership. All of this was BUILT INTO the Indian Act and very deliberate. There are so many prominent ladies and communities that are fighting this discrimination to this day
Wiky remains a hotbed for loud, opinionated, successful ladies. Some of those super stars include the kiddo Autumn Peltier that has done amazing advocacy for the environment before she turned ten. We also have countless Elders and Speakers that spread Anishinaabemowin/culture
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