New BEA data shows income fell 4.2% from April to May. This is true but misleading.

Income is UP by 5% to 8% relative to (pre-COVID) February and is the second highest in history.

And the fall from April is artificially driven by timing of one-time checks.

Market income - income from wages, salaries, business income, dividends, etc - is indeed WAY down. It's down 8% from February to May. That's an improvement from April, when it was down 10%.

Adding in Social Security and other non-unemployment transfers, income still feel by more than 5% between February and May. That's an improvement from the 7% in April.

But thanks to (greatly expanded) unemployment benefits and Economic Impact Payments - those $1200/person tax rebates - total income is actually UP by 5.4% in May, compared to February.

Repeat after me: income is higher now than it was before the crisis.

Market income, transfer income, and unemployment is also rose by 2.1% between April and May.

So why the net drop? Because the Economic Impact Payments offered a ONE TIME check that gets counted when people receive it -- mostly in April.

If people treat the one-time checks as four months worth of income ("amortized"), income in May is at 6% higher than in April and 7.4% HIGHER THAN BEFORE THE CRISIS.

Under this method, income in May is the HIGHEST ON RECORD.

How can income be up when the economy is doing so poorly? Because of massive fiscal support - which @BudgetHawks tracks at .

But much of that support will fade or disappear after July. Without more legislation, income will fall this summer. A lot.

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