The reality of #BlackinAstro is that I have never been in a space/job where someone hasn't questioned me. It doesn't have to be loud, it is the micro aggressions or that little voice in my head that says 'that's weird they are telling me this' (Thread) (1/n)
In 2015, I worked as an astronomy educator in Nantucket, MA. I was the only Black educator for an organization and one of the only few Black people on that island. Besides being stared at all the time, I had some very interesting encounters while doing my job.(2/n) #BlackInAstro
I actually had my boss yell/swear at me because one of the parents complained I fed her child bologna (I was responsible for making themed snacks for kids along with lesson plans). She told me 'THIS is Nantucket, we don't do that here'. I knew what she meant (3/n) #BlackInAstro
This was the same parent who asked me what I studied and I told her physics and that I wanted to go to grad school for astronomy and she looked at me and said 'Oh really...that's interesting'. To those that this has happened to, you know this look (4/n) #BlackInAstro
I worked at a museum for a few years and had people make off the wall comments to me, but the interaction that stands out to me is after I did a science demo with a child and they told me some cool fact about electricity, and I told them that was very cool (5/n)
The parent looks at me and says 'did you actually know BEFORE he told you'. 😒. I was on the job so I couldn't turn up like I wanted to so I just said 'I have a Bachelors in Physics, yes I knew' #BlackInAstro (6/n)
Ive been told I was gonna get into lots of grad schools because I was Black and they need diversity. And Ive been told I dont have to worry about jobs because schools need more Black people. This is false and undermines that I worked hard to get to where I am. #BlackinAstro(7/n)
Microaggressions are tactful and can make you question if you are thinking too much into what someone has said, but this happens all the time. Ex. I was wondering why someone at my past alma mater was telling me a story of how they knew people who went into PhD programs.. (8/n)
..But that the people left with a Master's because they decided that the PhD wasn't for them. At the time, I thought it was very strange they were telling me this, but I should have listened to my gut. It would have saved me a lot of heartache and time. #BlackinAstro (9/n)
#BlackInAstro is being at an event for your department where guests are meant to sit with graduate students and ask them Astro questions, but someone decides to look at me and say 'I bet a lot of people don't think you are an astronomer' (10/n)
Mind you this person never asked me an astro question and didn't speak to me after they asked this. I was very irritated and did my best to keep my composure because I still had to sit at that table. #BlackInAstro (11/n)
This is only a drop in the bucket of being #BlackInAstro, but this is the reality that I and my peers have to face. It is important to bring these things to the surface. (12/n)
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