We need to talk about the complete debacle that is @PHLschools ESY. It hasn't even started yet and it's already failing students and families in multiple ways. cc: @PHLschoolboard @edlawcenterpa @ParentsUnitePHL #phled
MANY parents and organizations have been trying to get the district to take action on ESY for years but here we are. I feel like I gave the district plenty of time to get their act together and so I'm done with giving them the benefit of the doubt.
One of my two children in the district is in full time autistic support and receives speech and OT, so he is eligible for ESY. I returned all of my paperwork and "we will attend" forms immediately since they started coming out in February-ish.
I also have participated in the OSS "Advisory" meetings all year long, I am more on top of my email inbox than almost anyone I know, and I know how to log in and read messages in the online parent portal.
So, imagine my disbelief when staff from the Office of Specialized Services at the district just tried to gaslight me into thinking that clear information has been sent out to families when I *KNOW* that it has not been and I can *VERIFY* that.
The last communication I can find in my email from the district was a general email on May 28 about summer programming being virtual.
Having gotten no other emails, robocalls, or portal notifications, and having heard MANY stories from teachers about the absolute chaos behind the scenes, I sent this email this morning:
This is the response I received, unsigned:
"ESY eligibility is listed on the student's current IEP, Section VI. If your child is eligible, please provide the student's full name, DOB/ID and you will be redirected to the ESY Special Education Team for your child. Thank you."
This blatantly ignores my questions and assumes that I don't whether my child is eligible for ESY.

I replied saying:
"I’m not asking about eligibility. That wasn’t in any of my questions. I know my child is eligible.

I’m looking for answers about the whole program. Are you saying that everything is different at each school site?"
And I got the same damn unsigned response:

"Please submit the full name of the student, DOB/ID so we can advise of the ESY assigned site for the child and put you in touch with the team that can be of assistance.  Thank you."

No name, no email signature.
A mere 21 minutes later, after I decided I was done playing their games, I got an email from an actual person in the office who partially answered me. First, they said "Communication was sent notifying parents that teachers will be contacting parents on Monday 6/29/2020..."
Then they went on to tell me that "OSS hosted 2 Parent Open Houses yesterday to share information regarding Remote ESY" and that "No one has discussed leveling."
To put it mildly, this is more gaslighting nonsense. But ok, let's say there was notification to parents that I somehow missed. I replied and asked about that.
The response was one line: "They were sent out via the district's communication systems."

This is UNTRUE, unless there's some surprise page on the website that isn't even the one linked in that May 28th email. I went back and verified.
I searched my email using multiple relevant keywords. Nothing.

I logged into the parent portal and looked at the messages there. Nothing.

I even logged into my autistic 9 year old's school email because I've heard of emails going to the kids. Nothing.
I'm not even going to go into detail about everything I've heard on the teacher side. I know that teachers were told they could go (on their own time) to a school site to pick up materials only to arrive and find NOTHING THERE.
I know that teachers have already quit because it's so chaotic and disorganized, and others are still being hired. I know the class sizes are still too large. I KNOW there has been talk about leveling.
I am tired of being lied to by this district, I'm tired of them trying to gaslight and patronize parents. I'm tired of them trying to discredit and attack people so they won't speak up.
But most of all, I'm appalled that they think that the *DAY BEFORE* ESY is supposed to start is the time to notify parents with ANY DETAILS about the plan and specifics of the schedule. I'm also appalled at what they're asking on the teacher side to make that happen.
This is neglectful, it is uncaring, it is deep systemic failure to care for and provide for those who need the most. It is on @PHLschools leadership and every single member of the @PHLschoolboard who has sat there for 2 years and hasn't made any substantive change. #phled
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