Homophobes genuinely believe in what they say they believe. This is why its necessary to counter their argument in a rational and empirical manner. In this thread,I intend to make a case for LGBT rights based on evidence,not feelings(1/n)
One of the most common argument put forth against homosexuality is that its not natural. This isn't true. Homosexual behavior is natural and has been observed in almost every animal species,except those who don't engage in sex at all(2/n)
Animals who display homosexual behavior include cats,dogs,Chimpanzee,Baboon,Elephant,fox,chickens,duck,sparrow,lion,panda,goat,penguins,fish,Emu,bull,snake,tortoise,turtle,lizard,butterfly,spider,crab,lion,dolphin etc.(3/n)
Here is a comprehensive list. This list is properly cited. The intellectually curious may check out the peer reviewed papers/books mentioned in the bibliography.(4/n) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_displaying_homosexual_behavior
Meet Sphen and Magic. They're an Australian gay penguin couple. They have also managed to adopt and raise a baby penguin successfully. (5/n) https://www.sbs.com.au/topics/pride/agenda/article/2019/01/24/sydneys-gay-penguins-have-raised-healthy-baby-girl
Thus the claim that homosexuality is "unnatural" is demonstrably false. It isn't unnatural and its certainly not a product of modernity. Homosexual relationships have always existed,as evidenced by the ancient texts of Plato.(6/n)
The fact that religious texts like Quran and the Bible condemn homosexuality is an implicit acknowledgement of its existence. (7/n)
Note that homosexuality is not entirely genetic as the twin studies prove. That doesn't mean its environmental(to use the popular definition) i.e. affected by societal norms and behaviors. The recent scientific research points towards epigenetics(10/n)
Some Epigenetic markers alter the individual's susceptibility to androgens,which often results in an alteration of sexual orientation. (11/n) https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/668167?seq=1#abstract
Why did homosexuality evolve? Is it a spandrel(to use Gould's term)? No. In Pacific Island of Samoa, gay males function as surrogate parent of children whose parents pass away early. Since they cannot have children of their own,they can be entrusted to raise adopted kids(12/n)
The research cited above shows that gays cannot help the fact that they are gay just like you can't help the race that you belong too. We,as a society,have mostly accepted that racial discrimination is wrong. Period.(14/n)
Discriminating individuals on the basis of their immutable characteristics is WRONG. Thus, gays deserve as much rights as heterosexuals. This includes adoption rights and the formal state acknowledgement of the legitimacy of same sex marriage(15/n)
Some claim that homosexuality leads to pedophilia. There is ZERO evidence for this. Pedophilia comes in all forms. No, we don't have an agenda to legalize pedophilia. The key word here is-CONSENT https://psychology.ucdavis.edu/rainbow/html/facts_molestation.html(16/n)
Children cannot consent. Another claim that many traditional conservatives make is that individuals who associate themselves with the LGBT movement are politically motivated.(17/n)
Not true. Being gay says nothing about one's political orientation. One can be gay and a racist, for all it matters. Nobody seriously makes the argument that they're morally superior due to their sexual orientation(18/n)
LGBT people just want to have the same rights as everyone. Their rights doesn't come at your expense. It'll not affect you in any manner whatsoever. But yes, it will make our society a better,more inclusive place as a whole(19/n)
You don't have to be a liberal to support LGBT rights. In fact,many conservatives(including HindutvaRW) have now adopted an indifferent/supportive stance towards LGBT rights. How would you feel if inter-religion/inter-racial/inter-caste marriage became illegal?(20/n)
Don't you think that everybody has a right to choose the partner they want,regardless of race,religion and caste?Gays simply want the equal rights,nothing more and nothing less. Its time for us all,regardless of our political orientation,to rally around this issue.(21/21)
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