Can we revamp school curriculum while we're at it? In elementary and high school, I was only taught white-washed, revisionist history about white men in history class. In English class, I was only taught literature by white men writers.
In geography class, my teacher just skipped over the entire continent of Africa. I learned more about Antarctica than I did about Africa.
In biology class my freshman year, my teacher skipped over the chapters about evolution because my BIOLOGY TEACHER DIDN'T BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION.
I took an Economics class my senior year, and my teacher taught us that communism and socialism are evil and that capitalism is the only good economic system.
My sex ed curriculum was "Abstinence Plus," in which they did mention contraception, but the idea of sex before wedlock was shamed, and abstinence was strongly emphasized. I also did not learn about consent or female pleasure or queerness, only cis het normative stuff.
Also I don't remember why she told us this, but my calculus teacher told my class that if she found out any of her children were gay, she'd be so upset.
Also my high school's mascot is a Native chief and the sports teams are called "the Raiders."
Also the "motivational speakers" who were brought in to talk to the school were ALWAYS Christian speakers with a Christian message. I went to a public school.
My education failed me in almost every way possible. But thank goodness I learned about derivatives and limits and integrals, shit I've never used in my life and completely forgot about until writing this tweet.
For context, this was the early 2000s, and I grew up in a small, conservative, predominantly white town in rural Pennsylvania.
The important thing to note here is that my school's curriculum reinforced any conservative, racist, sexist, queerphobic, etc ideology that my classmates had been brought up with (and trust me, most of them were brought up that way).
Education is supposed to enlighten us, but over the years (after I started to actually become enlightened) I've realized how much my elementary / high school and its curriculum did the very opposite.
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