Yesterday, the CDC admitted that the number of covid-19 infections in the US is more then 10x what is being reported/recorded, even as death rates continue to plummet. This means it is FAR less deadly than we are being lead to believe. In fact...
In late May, the CDC estimated death rate for covid-19 was 0.26% of those infected. Those numbers are, of course, wildly driven higher by northeastern governors, who placed sick coronavirus patients into nursing homes with the vulnerable and elderly....
If not for the tens of thousands of dead there, our covid death rate would be closer to 0.1% which is the same as the flu. Yet, with a forced death rate of 0.26% death rate that continues to plummet, @GregAbbott_TX @GovAbbott has chosen to weaken the Texas economy today...
By forcing the closing of bars and the capacity reduction of restaurants, even as the facts become more clear: covid-19 is no more serious than the flu. Abbot lost my vote today. May shame be upon his head.
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