87% of BAME Britons think UK society thirty years ago was “a great deal” or “somewhat” racist. 85% say the same of UK society today.
How do perceptions of what is racist differ between BAME and all Brits? Top differences are over:

Imitating an accent associated with a racial group
Being less sexually attracted to some racial groups
Preferring to live in a community of a different race

% of BAME Britons who have experienced…

Being asked where they’re “really from” – 73%
Someone telling a racial joke about their race – 65%
Someone saying a racial slur to them directly – 63%
Someone making assumptions based on their race – 59%

Most BAME Britons support the BLM movement, but support differs by ethnic group:

Black – 82% support
Pakistani – 70%
Mixed – 69%
Bangladeshi – 60%
Indian – 59%
Chinese – 56%

BAME Britons are split on whether media coverage of the BLM protests has been supportive (32%) or opposed (28%), but tend to think they have been portrayed as more violent than they actually were (41%)

BAME Britons tend to think the BLM protests will have a positive impact (46%), but are split on how large or long lasting it will be

BAME Britons are more likely to approve of the removal of the Edward Colston statue (76%) than Britons in general (53%), and are more likely to approve of the manner in which it was done (30% vs 13%)

% of BAME Britons who supporting changing the curriculum to reflect more of Britain’s colonial past and diversity in…

History – 62%
Religious studies – 38%
PSHE – 34%
Geography – 32%
Languages – 27%

Support for change in at least one subject area - 70%

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