The U.S. Senate is, in many ways, a giant affirmative-action program that benefits white people.

How so?

A thread... (1/n)
The Senate gives disproportionate power to small states, as everyone knows. These smaller states are overwhelmingly white: Wyoming, Vermont, the Dakotas, Montana, New Hampshire etc.

Meanwhile, two U.S. areas that each have more people than either Vermont or Wyoming -- and are disproportionately home to people of color -- have no representation in the Senate.

The 4 million residents of DC and Puerto Rico have 0 Senators representing them.

The 3.6 million residents of Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska and the Dakotas have 10 Senators representing them.

All of this creates a large imbalance, in which the Senate effectively treats white Americans as more important than non-white Americans.

Number of Senators representing each 100 million people nationwide:
Whites: 35
Blacks: 26
Asian-Americans: 25
Hispanics: 19

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