In 2016, NIDDK put out a request for proposals for clinical trials looking at the effect of lowering uric acid on progression of children with CKD. I put together the biggest grant of my life...
Got scored OK (similar to the other 2 groups who applied) and waited. After months, NIDDK decided that they weren't going to fund anyone and the RFA was tabled. I was devastated, certain my research career was over. I'd never get this opportunity again...
Silver lining: I could have received the grant and now be two years into a study that almost certainly would turn out negative and possibly stopped by the DSMB for futility. So, you never know why things happen in your career...
Sometimes what looks like a brick wall in your path is actually just a sign to turn a different direction. Early career investigators, don't get discouraged when things don't go your way.
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