Your daily reminder to watch out for Chaos Agents attacking Democrats to help re-elect Trump.

Today, Democrats are fighting to safeguard the ACA while "Resistance" accounts are vilifying Pelosi for not impeaching Barr immediately.

We are 129 days away from kicking Trump out.
2/They profit from your ignorance. They profit for your ingrained resentment that White Privilege isn't centered anymore to stoke your anger.

2 days ago, Nadler made it clear that he wants impeachment & started the process by holding the first hearing.
3/Remain vigilant. A Chaos Agents' goal is Voter apathy.

To make you believe Dems are the same as GOP; to make you disregard facts & more importantly, that Impeachment is a complex, tedious, unexciting endeavor.

Keep your eye on the ball & refuse to become GOP's unwitting fool.
4/I can't believe I have to add this daily because dumbasses are still falling for a purposely edited Nadler quote 5 days ago.

The world moves fast, catch-up. Or at the very least, please have the self-respect of not always falling for the same liars & the same cheap tricks!
5/Obviously, Nadler was misquoted in a way to infer that he's not interested in impeachment. He is.

And to put it politely, it really takes a specially slowwwww people to not have learned from Trump's impeachment that Impeaching doesn't mean removal.
6/It's important to note that Barr is doing the same song & dance many of Trump's cronies performed during Trump's Impeachment investigation.

1 Refuse cooperation
2 Pretend changing mind
3 Refuse to answer during hearing
4 Perjure themselves under oath.
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