Ok. @CDCgov says we have 20MM cases. That’s 10x the official number which means there isn’t enough testing. Ok. So here are the problems: (1) That’s a lot of people. (2) That’s “only” 7% of the population which means 93% are still at risk. (3) there isn’t enough testing. 1/6
(4) People aren’t wearing enough masks. (5) another indication that people are too complacent is that many aren’t accessing the testing when it’s available. (6) We are lacking leadership - many governors are following public opinion rather than science. That’s not leadership. 2/6
(7) If you are in a state that is on a downcurve remember that this virus doesn’t care about borders just like it doesn’t care about politics. (8) States with strong leadership are doing better. Thank you @MassGov and @MassDPH. 3/6
So - some advice. (A) #wearamask. (B) if your numbers aren’t going up don’t just #pause buy #SHUTITDOWN. (C) If your Governor isn’t showing leadership but is a follower, #pressurethem. They need you to be alive to vote. @dougducey @GregAbbott_TX @kayiveyforgov @AsaHutchinson 4/6
(C) If you can work from home, do. (D) #WashYourHands (E) Be Vigilant even if numbers are falling in your state (F) Lastly, although this is effecting everyone it’s disparately infecting and killing the poor and minorities. So Advocate for #equity 5/6
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