"In Pakistan, there were 4000 new Corona cases today. Texas alone had 5500. Pakistan has a population of 212 million people. Texas [=] 29 million people."

Even w differences in testing, that's bad.

FL, w 22 mill, had 5K+ new cases reported yesterday. http://shorturl.at/euIKQ 
"The American government’s plan to contain Coronavirus was just as inadequate as its plan to support households and businesses through it. People were offered the equivalent of just one week’s worth of income, and so were businesses."
America’s government alone barely lifted a finger to help people through the worst catastrophe in modern history. The result?
This is now the 14th week that more than a million people have filed for unemployment. The fourteenth week. Close to 50 million people are unemployed. That means, in plainer English, that something like just ***half*** of Americans are now employed.
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