In most cases, we all have a part in the situations in which we find ourselves. Sometimes we must dig deep to find what our part is, but it’s there.

To me, what’s most horrific about this article written by Algeria Wilson, is that she’s a social worker and she is the
director of public policy for a @NASWMI.

Ms. Wilson doesn’t see the part that black people play in keeping racism alive. Absent this awareness, black people continue to be victims. She’s a leader, her hatred of white people is palpable. She’s a forever victim.

We all have choices.

I’ve experienced some horrific things in my life that could have defined me, had I let them. I could be a dark, angry, bitter soul because I was knocked off my feet, repeatedly, by an abuser.

I could be consumed with hatred because I was sexually assaulted as a young girl. I could be a victim.

I could hate all men

I thank God and some very special therapists for helping me to move past those experiences. I didn't just survive, I live, passionately.
I have no hate in my heart for the abusers.

My point is not to compare slavery with rape, and physical abuse, my point is that we all have choices.

No doubt, there are some white people who are racist.

Call them out. Shame them. But DO NOT make blanket statements about “systemic racism” in America. Most of us embrace all of God’s children. Most men are kind and loving.

My hope for you, Ms. Wilson, is that you eventually see your part in keeping racism alive.
Only then can there be meaningful discussion.

Why aren’t leaders in the black community shouting out against the violence our country is experiencing? Have you seen the random attacks of black on white?

Did you see the black man casually shove the elderly white woman as he passed her by? He knocked her down, Ms. Wilson. It appears the only “crime” committed by the victims of black on white crime is that they are white. What you call “white privilege”.

Where’s your voice condemning this violence?

My questions are rhetorical, Ms. Wilson.

We all know why you’re not speaking out against crime.

Your silence is deafening..
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