Idk how many I can come up with but going to give this a tryđŸ„Ž
1. A guy and girl can be just friends. Stop trying to romanticize platonic friendships.
2.Probably an unpopular one but I don’t see the need to use swear words in regular sentences and conversations. You can have a completely normal convo without having to use swear words.
3. If you call yourself an animal lover and still proceed to consume products which are produced by harming/killing animals then sorry there seems to be a missing link here.
4. Just because someone is sweet, friendly and nice to most people doesn’t mean that the person is fake.
5. Social media activism only amounts to so much. If you actually want to make a difference, convert your words into actions.
6. True friendship is actually displayed when you point out each others’ mistakes(when one is wrong) rather than supporting each other in wrong doings.
7. Voluntary Euthanasia should be legal in all countries(in special circumstances).
8. It is completely okay to support celebs but making them your entire life and putting them on a really high pedestal to an extent that you defend all their actions is going to be counter productive and pointless.
9. Advocating for things away from home but turning a blind eye to things at home doesn’t make you woke.
10. People who use mental health issues and sexual orientations as insults really need to be called out and educated.
11. Just because you don’t have the same beliefs as someone doesn’t give you the right to disrespect those beliefs.
12. I won’t hate on a person just because my friend hates that person.
13. Yes we should accept people of all body shapes and sizes but that doesn’t make it okay to normalise obesity. Obesity causes a lot of health complications and risks.
14. War is never the solution. It’s easy to be a keyboard warrior and advocate for war between 2 countries because it’s the soldiers and not you who are going to be losing their lives. It’s not your family that is going to be bereaved.
15. Judging and calling Korean/Japanese/Chinese guys ‘girls’ is homophobic. Not to mention beauty standards vary in different places.
16. Love yourself but not to the extent that you seem self-obsessed.
17. Not defending Su!cide but
Su!cide isn’t for cowards. It takes a lot of guts to take your own life.
18. Related to a previous one: Saying that all Chinese/Japanese/Koreans look the same is lowkey racist.
19. While revenge is a pretty cool concept😂, I don’t believe in it because an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and it’s also a whole lot of negativity which brings about self destruction too.
20.Making the same mistake a second time is a choice.
21. Cheating is never a mistake. It’s always a choice
22. I don’t believe in faking my personality just to seek validation from other people.
23. It’s completely okay to correct someone who is older than you when they are wrong. If it’s considered rude then so be it.
24. A bystander who witnesses bullying and takes no action about it is as much at fault as the bully.
There is no justification for it.
25. If someone doesn’t accept you for your background and culture, that person should be cancelled from your life immediately.
26. A minor opinion. While I am all for schools having uniforms to prevent class divide and what not. I believe there should be days where students should be allowed to dress and style themselves the way they want to as it is also a form of self expression.
27. Parenting should be a 2 way road. While kids get to learn many values,qualities and skills from their parents, parents also have a few things to learn from their kids because the world is changing every second.
28. It really doesn’t take a lot of effort to be nice to someone.
29. There is a difference between being opinionated and being straight up rude. Don’t be pretent to be opinionated in the pretext of being opinionated.
30. Work-Life balance should be a priority for everyone. It promotes both mental and physical health.
31. Hating your own country/race/religion/culture just to gain clout or popularity isn’t cool. It’s shameful.
32. It’s okay to care about what other people will say but that shouldn’t overpower your own personality.
33. People who come to work at homes and help in household chores should be called ‘helpers’ instead of ‘maids’.
I find the term maid pretty derogatory
34. Hating on someone for the privileges they have since birth is like punishing for a crime they didn’t commit. It’s unfair.
35. R@pe doesn’t happen because of a girl’s dressing. It’s because of the guy’s low and trashy mentality. If you think otherwise then you need treatment.
36. I believe in being proud of where I come from because it forms a part of my identity.
37. I don’t believe in just befriending people who are similar to me and have similar backgrounds. I would prefer having friends from different backgrounds to have diversity and a better understanding of the world.
38. It’s totally okay for guys to cry too. We are humans too.
39. If you were eligible to vote and if you chose not to vote, you shouldn’t bother complaining about the government because you chose not to try to make a difference.
40. Education begins at home. If someone in your family has a misconception or a wrong opinion of a topic, correct them. They might not accept it immediately but it will make a difference with time.
41. If a woman falsely accuses a guy of a heinous sexual crime, she must be shamed and punished as severaly as a guy who committed a sexual crime would be.
42. If you give up on yourself, don’t except people to work on you.
43. People think that one person can’t make much of a difference in the world but it actually does. Even volunteering for a simple beach clean up can make a world of difference if many people do it.
44. It’s reallyyyy not hard to adjust a bit and live in harmony and unity.
45. There should be more women in the top positions of companies and everyone should acknowledge that gender pay gaps do exist.
46. Self-depreciation is not cool at all.
47. Nurses deserve a higher pay. Their job is as tough as a doctor.
48. Don’t talk about saving the world if you don’t even recycle.
49. Educations systems should not just focus on academics but also focus on life skills(which I think is lacking as of now)
50. Discrimination is inherently passed down from one generation to another. If you don’t exhibit discrimination in front of children, it’s automatically gonna decrease.
E.g. Telling a child that he will become a construction worker if he doesn’t study.
Ok that’s the end😂
I made it to 50
They are my opinions so you are free to disagree:)
Last oneđŸ€§
51.Abortion is supposed to the woman’s choice. If she wants to terminate her pregnancy when it’s medically possible, it should be allowed because it’s ultimately her body which has to go through the changes
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