Probably a Controversial opinion, but if a referendum is held I think it is now more likely than not that Scotland would vote for independence.
Firstly, I think the jump would be seen as less risky now. The SNP have been in government for thirteen years now, and people generally think they have done a good job.

On Coronavirus, Scotts think their government have done well, and the British government have not.
Secondly, the drop in support for Labour and Labour leaders in Scotland, which hasn't completely been replicated by an increase in support for Conservative's and Conservative leaders, mean there isn't anyone popular to run the campaign.
The economic argument isn't what it used to be. The median position is now that independence will make no difference to the Scottish economy, and people's personal finances, which is a shift from 2014.
And ultimately, Boris Johnson is more of a bogey man now than David Cameron (with a large chance of Ed Miliband) was in 2014.
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