This weekend I should have been speaking at @THE_Gen_Show about researching your family history in Wales - throughout today, I’ll be sharing a few reading recommendations instead ... first up is a book from @barcud66 that’s a must-have for anyone researching Welsh family history.
Next up it’s a pair of books edited by John and Sheila Rowlands @rowlands_sheila which I’ve found indispensable for broadening my own understanding of Welsh genealogy - the contributors are experts in the field. Great additions to any Welsh genealogy library.
Two books from @CarregGwalch here - one provides a wealth of information about further reading/resources, the other is a pocket-sized publication that’s really useful if your ancestors are mentioned in Welsh language documents, as well as for reading gravestone inscriptions.
Understanding local geography and place-names is really important when you’re researching family history in Wales - a few ideas here for further reading featuring publications from @RCAHMWales and @narberthmuseum
Finding out more about your Welsh ancestors’ work and community can help to add context to your family story - examples here include a recent publication from @YLolfa written by the late Tom Davies which provides great perspective on medical history in Swansea #histmed
Not quite books this time, but family history society journals and other publications are well worth your time for researching Welsh ancestry - consider joining societies that cover your area of interest and make the most of the resources and expertise on offer.
There are lots of books to choose from covering different aspects of the history of Wales which will help to put your family history into context - two examples here from my bookshelf at home, including one of my recent favourites - Wales: England’s Colony? by @martinjohnes
And on the subject of history in Wales, it’s well worth looking at the resources on offer from local history societies, museums, etc. too - special shout-out to my friends at @RoathHistory who I hope to be talking to in 2021 about a local family I’ve been researching ...
There are some great books available on a variety of topics that may have affected your Welsh ancestors’ lives - healthcare, war, trade unions, political activity, social clubs/organisations, places of worship, etc. The examples shown here are by Lisa Tippings and Hugh Purcell.
Final video of the day - and it’s one of those topics that causes many headaches for genealogical research in Wales - surnames! Luckily John & Sheila Rowlands have done some terrific research in this field and their book provides a really useful insight.
I hope some of these reading ideas have been useful - they are, of course, limited to books that happen to be in my house, there’s lots more out there to discover - and if you want to find out how to apply your knowledge to research, maybe I’ll see you at @THE_Gen_Show in 2021!
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