1. I don’t believe in mask shaming (shame as a public health tactic simply never works), but having gone to #OccupyCityHall last night where literally every one of hundreds of ppl were masked but for bullhorn speakers, I have a theory about how to get ppl to mask up...
2. To get ppl to wear masks, u must engage them in activities where they care for others & are cared for by others—where an activity (other than mask wearing) is a form of love/care.

Shopping is NOT such an activity! It’s about getting stuff for me & disregard for worker thee.
3. Every protest I’ve been to, well upwards of 90% of ppl have been masked up. Last night at #OccupyCityHall #Occupy2020, literally everyone but ppl as they took the bullhorn or are were masked. BC the activity & the world itself were ALREADY abt mutual care.
4. A Trump rally is NOT about mutual care. Nor is retail shopping. Watching sports often is not, either.

Sex can be, or not. Gay men growing to use condoms for HIV prevention is a good model for understanding how intimate connection CAN develop practices of intimate care.
5. Hopefully, as churches, temples & Mosques reopen, they will mask up & disrnaxe as care communities. But I would be surprised if “prosperity gospel” congregations flout masks, bc they are more “What can Jesus do for me?” then “What does Jesus demand I do for you?”
6/7 But, last night was a beautiful reminded that many ppl WANT to be in community. They WANT to be together to make the world safer—more caring, more sharing (but bit of viruse!), less policed. And...
7/7 like gay men using condoms, they’ll wear masks to protect one another NOT out of coercion or shame, but bc organizers have already built up a space & politics about communal joyful goals & well being not about “me” but about “we” with which masks may dovetail.
Addendum: read everything by @gregggonsalves and @JuliaLMarcus on these matters
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