@iamLXRDTM You’ve heard of how there was a Russian collusion that helped Trump into office. Well, it was a lie and it was started by the Clinton campaign on the night she lost the election https://twitter.com/aaronjmate/status/1255323255411478531
Further link to help you understand better https://twitter.com/chuckrossdc/status/1255547175326617601
Also, the DNC server was never hacked. It was an inside job...a leak.

https://twitter.com/keenanpeachy/status/1258622043051790336?s=21 https://twitter.com/aaronjmate/status/1258572139504054274
Obama era officials repeatedly lied on CNN, MSNBC & other tv station that there was evidence that showed that the Russian hacked the election and helped Trump into office but in private under oath to the House foreign intelligence committee, they said the opposite.
Obama Director of National Intelligence under oath said there was no evidence of any Russian collusion but he repeatedly lied on tv to gullible folks https://twitter.com/brookesingman/status/1258516364005748737
Same for other Obama era intelligence chiefs https://twitter.com/brookesingman/status/1258548563589488640
Even Hillary Clinton’s campaign guy said there was no evidence https://twitter.com/brookesingman/status/1258553912187109377
Same for Obama’s ambassador to the UN https://twitter.com/brookesingman/status/1258530396003680257
Same for his former AG https://twitter.com/brookesingman/status/1258536166988472321
Same for his former NSC guy

https://twitter.com/brookesingman/status/1258537382229364736?s=21 https://twitter.com/brookesingman/status/1258537382229364736
And his NSA https://twitter.com/brookesingman/status/1258530663562530817
And Obama’s White House was the brain behind the operation to sabotage the incoming administration https://twitter.com/dbongino/status/1258569785723572226
Another Obama era official deny there was a Russian collusion while answering questions under oath. https://twitter.com/seanmdav/status/1258768531333754881
If you can access this article, it’s a great read. https://twitter.com/kimstrassel/status/1258536511194066944
Read this https://twitter.com/arifleischer/status/1258735572199313408
The origin of the Russian collusion hoax

https://twitter.com/oddy4real/status/1260897033189232642?s=21 https://twitter.com/oddy4real/status/1259131070433439746
All of them under oath denied the Russian collusion but said something else on tv https://twitter.com/pat1953/status/1259086389058187264
Then, there was speculation that Obama himself was behind the plot to sabotage & overthrow the new administration in a kind of soft coup

Added link: https://twitter.com/looknerd_army/status/1259131144500625409?s=21 https://twitter.com/mzhemingway/status/1259164707619049472
The media made it look as if Flynn was guilty of treason for discussing foreign policy with another country whereas he was cleared to do so as the incoming NSA as it was normal.

Obama as a candidate did the same thing: https://twitter.com/iamjadepa/status/1266587703174406145?s=21 https://twitter.com/mizdonna/status/1255722300567162882
A very lengthy but insightful thread that will help you understand better https://twitter.com/epochtimes/status/1259889778989957121
Declassified documents that shows how Trump’s NSA was set up https://twitter.com/cbs_herridge/status/1255630372412559362
You might not like Fox News but watch this video https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1260032616780034049
Trump’s tower while he was still a candidate, was wiretapped by Obama’s administration https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/837989835818287106
Testimony by the company employed to investigate the purported DNC email server hacking. There was no hacking

https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1260913162846703618?s=21 https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1260914963469807617
How the prosecutor lied to the court to further frame Flynn

https://twitter.com/techno_fog/status/1258848115748155397?s=21 https://twitter.com/techno_fog/status/1258848115748155397
What’s Obamagate?

Added link: https://twitter.com/jsolomonreports/status/1265670617245921281?s=21 https://twitter.com/stevehiltonx/status/1260691578865115136
You’ll hear some say Flynn pleaded guilty as a way of dismissing the fact that the fact exonerated him. Context showed why he pleaded guilty even though he was innocent

Added link: https://twitter.com/johnwhuber/status/1261447227127599106?s=21 https://twitter.com/victoensing/status/1260745443497201665
How Clinton’s aides pushed the Russian collusion story https://twitter.com/realjameswoods/status/1262431464735399936
In case you still don’t understand what Obama and his guys did

Added link: https://twitter.com/thetnstar/status/1262248956869742593?s=21

Added link: https://twitter.com/skynewsaust/status/1264411032190988288?s=21 https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1262847994904358913
This explains why Flynn might have been targeted https://twitter.com/leesmithdc/status/1263325210985615360
Declassified documents of the call between the incoming NSA, Mike Flynn & the Russian ambassador. This shows no conspiracy

Added link: https://twitter.com/cbs_herridge/status/1266495405212209153?s=21
Added link: https://twitter.com/cbs_herridge/status/1266489653525467138?s=21
Added link: https://twitter.com/cbs_herridge/status/1266485606693179393?s=21
Added link: https://twitter.com/cbs_herridge/status/1266457357778849792?s=21 https://twitter.com/cbs_herridge/status/1266492630378123265
A perfect summary of the declassified documents & how Mueller team failed to present it as Brady evidence which would have set Flynn free https://twitter.com/techno_fog/status/1266469693440823296
How the MSM reported the leak then verse the truth of the call. https://twitter.com/cbs_herridge/status/1266541586445369351
A very good thread explaining the declassified documents https://twitter.com/elilake/status/1266496314474463232
But if Flynn was innocent, why then did he plead guilty? Perhaps a little perspective on the enormous cost of legal battles will help you understand https://twitter.com/vingancia/status/1266591821439746049
Facts about the Flynn-Russian ambassador’s call https://twitter.com/johnwhuber/status/1266472133410070532
Very common and normal for incoming NSA to speak to foreign leaders to prepare relationships & foreign policies for the new & incoming administration https://twitter.com/cbs_herridge/status/1266719481323294726
Obama State Department even acknowledged the fact that it was normal for any NSA of an incoming administration to speak to foreign countries as Flynn did https://twitter.com/realsaavedra/status/937087387426897920
More declassified documents of the call Flynn had with the Russian ambassador https://twitter.com/cbs_herridge/status/1266706744929071105
And now this week, what had been a speculation all this while, was finally confirmed to be the truth. That Obama and Biden knew & were behind the plot to sabotage the new administration https://twitter.com/techno_fog/status/1275803339738021890
A thread on the CYA that former deputy assistant director of the FBI, Strzok wrote https://twitter.com/techno_fog/status/1275818016392056834
A summary & proper perspective of the CYA note that implicated Obama as the brain behind the attempted coup of Trump’s government.

I’ll stop here. I’ll add more as more details emerges. https://twitter.com/johnwhuber/status/1275804598582812672
You can follow @daniel_omoleye.
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