@Wikipedia pages for women, esp. black, brown, BIWoC and BAME women are battlegrounds. The toxic abuse directed at @PriyamvadaGopal has spilled over onto Wikipedia. It's horrible and outrageous. Don't look away. #WCCWiki #WhiteWikipedia #BIWoCHistWiki (thread)
Over the past two days, 'racist' was added to the heading descriptor on Prof. Gopal's page. Too many times to count. This was accompanied by racist abuse, threats and white supremacist hate.

"Somebody has to trial this brown witch. She is possessed."
Anonymous trolls vandalised her page, accusing her of wanting to 'abolish whiteness'.
"She is a vocal racist who insists upon the need to abolish all who are white. Their have been no response to her hatecrimes against whites." [sic]
Anonymous vandals turned her research interests into

"killing all white people"
White supremacists used her page as a racist call to arms:

"This person is an anti-white cultural Marxist who wants to kill off white people, whether she admits or not. Your race is dying white man. Its now or never to stand up for your people and to resist kikery like this"
The category of 'racists' was created, and Prof. Gopal was added as the only entry.
Attempts to ameliorate the situation of the inclusion of material without proper substantiation that was a wilful misunderstanding of Prof. Gopal's tweets were discussed on the talk page. This was wholesale deleted by a Wikipedia Admin and hidden on the deletion log.
One person was blocked over this. One. That's it. Anonymous trolls without accounts continue to vandalise her page, and the partial inclusion of material that accuses her of anti-white racism is represented as neutral fact, with editors refusing for it to be removed.
Don't think this doesn't matter. You use Wikipedia. Your students use Wikipedia. Everyone uses Wikipedia. When you Google 'Priyamvada Gopal', the first thing you see, before clicking on anything, is that she's a 'racist Professor'.
Individual Wikipedia editors trying to reverse the vandalism is a disproportionate response. This is a structural issue.
This is not ok. None of this is ok.

πŸ‘IπŸ‘ don'tπŸ‘ wantπŸ‘ toπŸ‘ beπŸ‘ partπŸ‘ ofπŸ‘ aπŸ‘ communityπŸ‘ whereπŸ‘ racismπŸ‘ sexismπŸ‘ andπŸ‘ abuseπŸ‘ areπŸ‘ endemicπŸ‘ andπŸ‘ structuralπŸ‘ andπŸ‘ remainπŸ‘ unchallengedπŸ‘ #WCCWiki #WhiteWikipedia #BIWoCHistWiki
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