Have received higher than usual electricity bills this month? Here is a thread for you 👇
First things first... In case you missed this important information- the bills you received for the last two months was based on avg consumption of Jan & Feb. Discoms were unable to read meters due to the lockdown
The temperature in most part of India is cooler in Jan & Feb compared to April- May. It is only logical that your power consumption will also move in tandem.
In short you were charged (in April-May) for an assumed consumption, while your actual consumption was hire than the assumed. June is pay back time, as discoms are finally reading meters and adjusting the assumed consumption for real ones
What you have received this month includes the payable amount for this difference in consumption. You may argue it is still higher than what you paid in April-May last year. Remember, we have stayed home full day, used the AC 'may ' for longer hrs.
In fact, if you are a consumer in Maharashtra you are mostly enjoying a lower tariff compared to April-May last year
In case you aint still convinced or have received a higher bill while the house was locked, please do reach out to the distribution company. If not, please gracefully pay
I am told some private discoms are allowing payments through credit cards, which allow converting the amount to an EMI. If facing a cash crunch, use those options
If someone wants to discuss consumption slabs with me, I am told by discoms that all consumption has been divided for the number of months and treated under different slabs. If your bill does not reflect that, register a complaint.
Please do share your experience if your electricity bills are higher and none of the above reasons resonate well with you.
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