Thread 👉 Why is #ReleaseTheRussiaReport important? Well, aside from the dark ads, murky money etc it is possibly the greatest opportunity to influence UK voters. A big claim I know. Let me explain. 👇
‘According to the European Social Survey (ESS), a pan-European poll carried out every two years, 56.8% of respondents in the UK indicated that they would vote to remain inside the bloc, an increase from 49.9% the last time the survey was published in 2018....
'The most recent survey shows that of those questioned in the UK, 34.9% said they would vote to leave and 8.3% said they would not vote at all. ‘

Feel free to go & do some yoga or have a drink or whatever calms your nerves because this survey is like yey! but nooooo...
And there are never enough face palms. Not even here 👇
Not to mention 👇
Ok, so back to #ReleaseTheRussiaReport (bet you’d forgotten about that). Hopefully you are aware that a report on possible Russian interference in UK politics has been suppressed since last Autumn 👇
Looping back & looking at the way in which UK voters feel about Brexit (they don’t want it but -democracy) we can see why it is crucial that Johnson suppress the Russia report for as long as possible (certainly until it’s way too late to affect Brexit).
#ReleaseTheRussiaReport raises the question of the legitimacy of the 2016 referendum. If people were to realise (as many of us did a while back) that the Brexit vote was not in fact democratic then this would obviously pose a tremendous difficulty for government.
To #ReleaseTheRussiaReport would not only give many people pause for thought - it would be patently obvious that democracy had little to do with the 2016 referendum - it means that the legitimacy of the 2019 GE also comes into question.
Vote Leave are running UK government. If they were willing to trample over the democratic process in 2016 - why not in 2019? In fact it would have been imperative to win that election in order to get Brexit done.
And if you haven't (& you've got this far) you're obviously some kind of super star so please share it with a friend (& double check that you've confirmed your email). And if you’re not too busy please let your local newspaper know your concerns.
Hope you don't mind the cutesy gifs. They weren't an intentional theme but they cheered me up. And if you're still going with this thread, well, that means that you never give up. That kind of sustained determination is what UK needs. You rock #Solidarity
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