While it's pretty fucking great to see some of these harasser/predator names in SFF & comics finally named, I feel like we do this every few years. & we're going to keep doing so. Both because of who we're not seeing outed this go round, & because there's just so fucking many.
Also because some people who *should* be outed are currently writing long posts/threads about how to clear the toxic people out of the field...

But really, because it takes a cascade effect of enough people willing to speak to up end the power dynamics at play.
So many men (& women, but far more men) in positions of power have proved retaliatory that it's incredibly hard to blame people for wanting to speak up. Also, having named people publicly in past to no effect, unless the field is ready to give a shit sometimes there's no* point.
*Even if no direct repercussion comes from outing predators or harassers, I would argue that it's worth having the names out there so people can avoid them, or at least try to.

In large part too SFF at least isn't ready to reckon with its own broken systems that protect abusers.
Nobody wants to name that SF author who's been litigious for 30 years, or that historical fantasist who IS a lawyer, or that famous comics & book & TV writer whose bestselling work you love so much. Everyone's afraid of blowback. Look at who's being outed: big, but not BIG names.
& we can talk all we want about how abusers should just remove themselves from conventions. But that doesn't fix the issue of cons being hunting grounds for predators because so many people in the con-running community are predators &/or enablers.
We'd have to actively scour a load of concoms, remove long-standing members from boards like the WFA one & elsewhere...

Look, for a field that's great at imagining change we're shockingly bad at enacting it. As we've seen for fucking DECADES.
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