Feeling a bit frustrated that people think F1's new commitments to diversity will mean diverse hiring will 'shoehorn untalented minorities into F1 at the expense of actual worthy talent' and we should 'judge people on ability not {skin colour, gender,...}

So firstly, people think that the way F1 works is a pure meritocracy. You look at everyone and then zero in on the most talented and hire people from there. The best of the best. Because, why wouldn't you?
The second error is in thinking that by attempting to get a more diverse set of people working in F1, you're going to have to pick from 'lesser tiers', meaning your staff/drivers are, on average, worse.

F1, in this case, would no longer have the very best people.
But the invisible truth is that (due to many, many reasons) a lot of people from diverse backgrounds just don't get seen. And this can happen so early on in careers that they'll never get on F1's radar.
And as Adrian Neweys and Michael Schumachers could come from any background, F1 is actually *missing out* on a lot of potential talent by not making sure more POC, more POC, etc are given the same opportunities
So by widening the recruitment area (by a number of mechanisms, including funding/broadening people's education and careers at the roots) we'll get an even stronger talent pool in F1. Everyone wins. Less mediocrity, more exceptionalism.
So this isn't even about 'shoving woke lefty PC nonsense down anyone's throat'.

It's like... we are missing out on better people. They are out there but have more barriers to entry. Let's find them!

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