Your 20s are meant to build, not decay

If you want to start building a better life for yourself

This is a thread for you
Most of this will be basic advice

The thing is, you don't need something revolutionary to turn your life around

You need something that has worked for centuries

Knowledge - Action - Efficiency
There are 3 pillars that you need to take care of

These pillars are just that, pillars

They are what stabilize and uphold your overall well being

1. Money
2. Fitness
3. Thoughts & emotions

If one pillar falls, the others follow
Money buys freedom, plain and simple

It is a basic need

If you are broke, your thoughts and emotions suffer - as well as your physical health (fitness)

You can no longer rely on a "safe" career path

The safest move is to self-educate - for a 9-5 or not
One popular route on this side of Twitter is online marketing as a whole

Things like web design, copywriting, sales, persuasion, SMM... things like that

If you can cultivate a skillset that allows you to pull money out of the waves of your WiFi, it is difficult not to succeed
These skills are not limited to starting your own online biz

If you deeply understand an in-demand skill, you can land a high paying job

Degree or not
Fitness, or physical health keeps everything in check

The better you look and feel, the more opportunities you have

Feeling good and looking good is rare now, many people don’t know or remember what it’s like to feel energetic
High energy people put good out into the world (if the other pillars are in place)

If you put good out, you will receive good back

Disregarding your health at a young age forms bad habits and increases the likelihood of developing chronic disease - nobody wants that
Your thoughts and emotions bring everything together

You have to live with them on a daily basis

One of my favorite people, Abdullah Zeinab, likes to say “You only OWN 3 things in life... your fitness, thoughts, and emotions”
What he means is... at the end of the day all you have is your mind and body - why not make them great?

We’ve talked about the importance of physical health, let’s dive into mental
Negative thoughts create negative emotions

Negative emotions come from projecting into the future or holding on to the past

“What if it doesn’t work out?”
“Why did I do that?”

Things like that
Internalizing these feelings is the problem here - it’s not like you can just make these thoughts go away

The solution, is learning to be present

You may know this as being mindful

Learning to be aware of your thoughts for what they are... thoughts - NOT the end of the world
Let me emphasis one word - Practice

Becoming a more calm and happy individual doesn’t happen over night

You need to consistently practice bringing yourself back into the present

This can be done with meditation, or meditative activities
For example

When you wash your hands, bring yourself into the present moment by focusing on how the water feels

When you are outside, focus on the details in your surroundings

When you are working, focus on how the chair feels and your fingers on the keyboard
Circling back to the beginning, none of this will matter if you do not implement

Knowledge - Action - Efficiency

You now have the partial knowledge/awareness of what is holding you back
The next step is committing and taking action via further research and real world application

Once that is done, making these things second nature is where efficiency comes into play

AKA developing healthy habits and systems that keep you on track
Everything we just talked about is the cornerstone of my new brand, Power Shift

Helping you regain power over your life through mental shifts that open the door to money, happiness, and high energy
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