Something I don't think people talk about enough when it comes to Nintendo Switch game launches

It is super messed up that games on the eShop are ranked by "units sold" rather than "revenue made".

It's the main reason why the eShop is starting to look like the App Store
So currently, when you look at the Top Sellers list on the eShop, or the Current Offers tabs -- every game in those lists is ranked by how many units it is selling, regardless of how much it costs, or the current discount

This is the reason why you see so many 90% off discounts
So we're launching Yes, Your Grace today on the eShop, and there's also a Sudoku game launching

The Sudoku devs have made the game $3, with a 67% off discount at launch, so it's $1. Our game is $20, with a 15% discount so it's $17 at launch

Then we look at the charts...
And look at this. They are HIGHER than us in the charts, because they are selling a lil more units than us. But actually, we're making *seventeen times* more money than they are.

But now they'll get to the top of the charts faster than us, and automatically get more eyeballs
*This* is why, when you go on the eShop lists, you see the top charts filled with 90% off discounts, and weird shovelware. It literally makes more sense to launch quick shovelware on Switch, and plop a 90% off discount on it at launch, to fire yourself up the charts
As far as I know, no other store does it this way -- only Nintendo (I could be wrong about that!)

So for example, the Steam Top Sellers is by revenue... *which makes bloody sense*, and is the reason Steam's Top Sellers rarely has cack in it
What this also does, is teach game devs to undervalue their games on Switch. We're going to have to do deep discounts on Switch in future sales, because it's the only way to sell tons of units. I see Curve Digital and Team17 already doing 80-90% discounts on a weekly basis
And it's *so shitty*, because devs and publishers fight on a daily basis to show gamers that our work has value. Then this kind of system is set up, where we are forced into deep discounts, otherwise you can't sell many games

Euugh euugh euuuugh
ANYWAY, I'm just venting, so ignore me. It's just so frustrating to see how the eShop is going, and know that there are devs manipulating it.

I bet you can name several games you see in the top charts with 90% off alllll of the time (The Way: Remastered, Serial Cleaner anyone?)
I mean, go look at the eShop Current Offers tab now, and see how many discounts you can find that are less than 50%. Most are 70-90% off.

Now look at the Steam front page during the Summer Sale, and see that while there are some deep discounts, most are 20-50% off
That's because on Steam, deep discounts don't automatically get you anything -- smaller discounts can work just as well

But on Switch, deep discounts are *everything*, and that super sucks
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