MANIPULATION: A (kinda) important thread!
Please note that this is a very deep and long subject to talk about. I will be sharing some of the most important stuff to know to try to avoid these types of people, My DMs are open if you want to dig in deeper, I'm ready to explain it all.
Manipulation is everywhere, but it isn’t something you are always able to see. For this reason,
you might compare it to many different common behaviors that we aren’t always aware of.
Manipulators act like spiders or vindictive insects, always lurking around, unknown to us. -
- When they bite, you don’t always feel it, but you’ll certainly notice the wound long after the
initial attack
In order to live happily in our world, we need to start to become more aware of manipulation.
When you can recognize that someone is trying to control you, it will be much easier to stay out of their controlling grasp
When you start to better identify manipulation, how it develops, and how it has affected your
life, then it will only become easier to navigate without it.
COMMON MANIPULATORS: Some of the most common types of manipulators include narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths.
The main difference between the three is how they choose to share their feelings and the image that they will put up to protect who they are.
Narcissists are probably the most common of these types of people. They will not have any concern for others and instead only care about protecting themselves and their identities. -
- Rather than actually listening and caring about who you are and what it is that you might have to say, they will instead only be concerned with how they are feeling, doing their best to ensure their needs are met.
A psychopath works a little harder. They will ensure that you are under their complete control, and they have a way of making you feel terrible about yourself all while they have a smile on their face.
A sociopath is the one who is least concerned with their image. They will actively freak out in front of others, and they will never care how their angry outbursts might end up affecting other people.
These are common manipulators and they all have similar qualities. They will only focus on the things that matter to them, and they have little disregard for you.
I will pause this for now, I'll continue the thread if it gets enough interactions. (what do manipulators go after, positive manipulative personalities, what manipulators see in our body language, HOW TO identify manipulative tactics and more)
Negative manipulation is easy. Our brains can sometimes even do it without us noticing. When someone tells you good news, but you react poorly because the good news might harm you, then that can be very subtle manipulation against the other person.
For example, a mother hearing that her child got accepted to a university several states away might react poorly because of her own emotion about missing her child.-
-It’s still good news, and the mother may know that rationally. But the child then sees that mom isn’t happy with this decision and will choose to not go to this school because of mom’s negative, emotional response. -
-The mother might not have intended to react that way and only did based off emotion, but it was still something that negatively influenced her daughter-
-A more positive impact on that situation would take place if the mother told her daughter how happy she was for her, and then had a more serious discussion later of the challenges that living several states away from your mother can present to a first-year college student.-
-This allows the daughter to still make her own decision outside of what others want. She might still choose to stay home, but if she does, that is an important decision she made for herself without being manipulated.
The better we can understand what manipulation is and how we can use it for ourselves, the easier it will be to live a life in harmony with others. You will be able to better understand for yrself the things that u actually want, and you will know how to better get those results.
There are a number of individuals in the world who seem genuinely kind, compassionate, and caring about the needs of others. Some of these people are actually that way, and there are just as many people who have ulterior motives behind the things they do and say.
The first thing that many manipulators will do is mimic your body language in whatever way possible.
They might start by sitting in the same position as you and then even move their arms or legs in the same way that you are.-
-They do this because they want you to feel more open and vulnerable around them. Your mind picks up on these similarities and is aware of a sort of mirroring effect. This makes it think that it can trust this person more because you better understand who that person is.
You might wonder then, if we need to be aware of everyone who sits the same way as us. It is true that this is a manipulation tactic, but that doesn’t mean that every person who does this is trying to persuade us.-
- The best way to decipher whether or not this is someone trying to manipulate us is to look at the nature of the conversation. Sometimes, we subconsciously mirror the other person when we are feeling anxious.-
-It is a way for our bodies to try and connect to the other person more, so we don’t feel as uncomfortable sitting next to them. If you have noticed that someone was mirroring the way that you sit, try looking at the nature of the conversation! -
-If the other person is trying to get you to believe something or you were talking about a matter related to change, then there is a chance they were trying to get you on their side. -
- If it was more of a casual conversation, or one in which you were doing most of the talking, then it was likely a coincidence, or a sign that the other person was feeling anxious..
Another sign that someone might be trying to persuade you is that they are standing as tall as possible, potentially with their arms on their hips. This can be the other person trying to make sure that they look as big as possible. -
In extreme cases, it is an intimidation factor. Most of the
time, it is simply the person’s attempt at showing authority and a sense of strength amongst others.
!!! Remember that again, this can also be a sign of anxiety. If a person is feeling like they are being overlooked or that someone is not listening to them, then this tactic can be a way to boost that energy.
It is still important to be aware of all people’s body language so we can get the actual context of the situation rather than what is happening on the surface level. -
- Don’t be fearful of everyone who stands tall like a superhero but remember to not let yourself fall under
the influence of someone who was simply trying to make their body look bigger.
One of the biggest body language signals that the conversation might not be the most positive is that the other person is closed off, keeping their arms crossed or even their hand over their mouth. -
- It can yet again be a sign of not wanting to open up or feeling scared and defenseless. If a person is being confronted about something negative or being told some terrible news, they might have body language like this.
If the situation is one where you are more openly discussing yourself and the other person is sitting like this, they might be trying to gather personal information against you that they can use later.
If the situation should be one where both of you are opening up and they are sitting like this, make sure to hold back on some of your juicy secrets until they are ready to open up just as much.

I'll pause the thread again for now, i hope it gets more attention since these information really did me good.
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